The Only REAL Surprise From the Assassination Papers
By Kat Stansell
RFK, Jr.’s cousin, John F. Kennedy, Jr. called out Biden as a “traitor” in 1994 in a letter found among the FBI’s Washington DC, field office. John-John’s plane went down in 1999. This was the most revealing part of the recent “reveal”, to me anyway. Bar none.
If you’ll remember (or, if you’ve read of it) the slain President John F. Kennedy’s son’s plane “came down”, in the Martha’s vineyard area in 1999, killing the President’s son, wife and her sister. The official cause? “Spatial disorientation” from flying at night, or so said the NTSB, which even then apparently didn’t need DEI to be a Deep State tool. The press of the day hustled to say that John., Jr. was an amateur pilot, etc., etc.
Rumors had been circling that the young man, “John John”, was thinking of running for the Senate in 2000. The world’s memory of him, saluting his father’s casket as the horse-drawn caisson bore the slain President through the streets of DC to his final resting place, made a powerful spring-board to election.
After John-John’s death, Hillary Clinton was elected to that same Senate seat in NY. Remember when she suddenly moved there? Lots of us still do.
Just as Oswald was murdered before he could talk, so has killing anyone who gets in the way of the Globalists become a deadly pattern. Even Oswald’s killer was immediately taken out. There have been many more. I’m sure. Hillary’s list will always haunt me.
Now, it becomes easier to understand the strange handling of the supposed “lone gunman” in Butler, PA who was shot and left to rot on a rooftop before his body was hauled off. Somehow the attending officials left things as vague as possible (social media accounts, foreign connections, appearances in Black Rock commercials, guns owned and their sources, parents hiding/protected from involvement, etc., etc.). Then, the subject of an attempted assassination of a former and possibly future President, was just dropped.
The deadly pattern was to have continued, of course, with the murder of Donald Trump on July 14, 2024, but God interfered. I will believe that always.
In August, 2024, RFK, Jr., our current Secretary of Health and Human Services, son of JFK’s brother, Bobby, surprised many when he joined in support of Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2024 election. Kennedys had been Democrats from the get-go; none had ever strayed to Republican support! The Kennedy clan squawked loudly.
RFK. Jr., I believe, did not need the recent reveal of the “unredacted” (THAT didn’t happen, even this week) reports on the death of his uncle to know the truth – that the Deep State protects their own and murders their way to power.
I believe that RFK, JR., may have carried this knowledge all his life. He was 45 yers old when his cousin’s plant came down in 1999. He may well have known John, Jr.’s thoughts about Joseph Robinette Biden, revealed in the latest document dump.
I believe that our Bobby, Jr., had Biden and the Deep State clearly defined.
When he saw the Butler assassination attempt, it struck too close to home.
In August, 2024, RFK,, Jr., suspended his own Presidential campaign and joined forces with Trump. RFK, Jr., wanted to do everything in his power to avenge the deaths of his father, uncle and cousin. He didn’t need the release of any documents. He grew up with what they said.
This is just what one Kat’s sniffing has assembled out of the dust of all that has gone down since 11/22/1963. We still trusted our government then. Mostly. We had a lot to learn and we STILL DO.
One thing we know for certain: The Deep State has NOT changed its deadly plans. They still want us to shut up and sit down. They still want us to “own nothing and be happy”. Our Constitutional government gets in their way, and they will do anything and everything to win.
God bless RFK, Jr., God bless our President, God bless our nation and its people.
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