* Common-Sense:
It's four years since the United States, and the world in general, has drifted from common-sense to ideological, propaganda driven, non-sense. The November 5th election was a God send, a re-direct to basic principles of right and wrong and common-sense. Let's just list a few examples of how President Trump is bringing common-sense back:
God created man and woman, not trans. They are different in many ways, thankfully, and we need to respect that difference. Boys should not compete against girls and men should not compete against women when those differences are in play. That's common-sense!
A country without a border is not a country. If you can't enforce your border, you have no country. For four years the Biden-Harris disastrous open border policy has let in millions of unfettered people many of whom have violent histories and possible terrorist associations. All of whom broke the law by crossing our border illegally. To round them up and send them back to where they came from is the right and safe thing to do. It doesn't mean that you are against immigration or immigrants, it means it should be done legally. That's Common-sense!
35-Trillion dollars in debt and counting… That is unsustainable. Where are our hard earned tax dollars going? Doesn't it make sense to find out and remove the waste and duplication within our government? That's why Trump created DOGE, the Department Of Government Efficiency. Now that it's starting to cut the waste, and deep state manipulation, progressive socialist amongst us are crying foul. That means DOGE is over the target. That's common-sense!
DEI is DEAD! Our great founding fathers envisioned a country based on faith in God and guided by basic principles that all men are created equal. That's why Thomas Jefferson penned in our Declaration of Independence the following, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." No where in there does it say anything about a guarantee of happiness or equal outcomes. Those pursuits are what freedom is all about. We have to reach for them ourselves. That's common-sense!
* 20-Million:
With President Trump's landslide victory on Tuesday comes a new awakening of the American spirit. The enthusiasm we've seen at countless Trump rallies and events, the patriotism and love of country was palatable with everyone participating being Americans, not white, black, Latino, Asian or any other designation democrats like to place on people, they were Americans. Winning the electoral college by a large margin as well as the popular vote says a lot about what voters feel about the past 4 years and their hope for the next 4. It's a beautiful thing to see and live through. Once again the future is full of possibilities. Border security, economic stability, safety, energy independence and peace in the world to name a few. Which brings us to why the misery of the Biden-Harris administration came about in the first place, it should never have happened. In 2020 155 million votes were cast. Currently there are a total of around 140 million. Trump is about at 72 million which is 2 million less than he got in 2020. How can that be if it's such a huge, or as Trump would say Yuge, victory? In 2020 basement Joe 'got' 81 million votes, approximately 20-million more than what Kamala has gotten. How can that be? Creepy Joe was not that popular and Trump's administration was successful. We had no inflation to speak of, border security, energy independence and peace in the world. These vote totals are what they should've been in 2020. We are seeing in real-time, anecdotal evidence that fraud did occur in 2020 and the nightmare we endured was manmade. Our long nightmare is almost over. May God bless President Trump and may God Bless America!
* Komrade Kamala
They tried to hide her as long as possible but the pressure was too great. She had to come out of her bunker and do some softball interviews but even in those you could see what a loser she was. Just like in 2020 when she ran for president and didn't even make it to the first primary. Democrats cry that democracy is at stake when they are the ones destroying it. They force the mindless feeble Biden to step aside and coronate the least popular democrat to take his place, they were stuck because it was her or they wouldn't be able to use the funds raised for Biden/Harris. If you want to see what is in the soul of these democrats just look at their projections, they project what they are in reality. They claim president Trump will have an enemies list and target his political rivals when in fact that’s what they've done to him. They claim he will use the courts to go after hie rivals but that's exactly what they've done to him. They claim he is divisive then they call him Hitler and his supporters garbage. She says Trump is evil and working on a target list while she is working on her Todo list. She doesn't explain what that is but it's easy to figure out:
Komrade Kamala's List:
1. Kill the 1st amendment to stop all that 'mis-information out there'
2. Keep our borders open to continue the destruction of our nation.
3. Price controls to destroy our economy like those of every country that have tried the same communist tactic.
4. Allow illegals to vote to retain perpetual power and end any possibility of reversing the damage.
5. Abortion until birth and after!
6. Enable our enemies abroad and turn your back on our allies.
Those are just some of the dangers her presidency would bring. This election is the most important in our lifetimes, our freedom and liberty are at stake. If this election is stolen again there may not be any going back, it will be a very dangerous time for all. May God bless America in these perilous times!
Far left liberals used to hide their socialists tendencies, not any more. They have become brazen in their open embrace of socialism, and by extension, communism that they no longer cloak their intensions and beliefs. Knowing that the propaganda leftist main stream media is in their pockets, they don't care anymore. Also, as they proved in 2020, knowing that they can rig elections with fraudulent votes and 'soft' verification, their no voter ID scheme is guaranteed to assist in their mission to nullify legal republican votes with illegal democrat ones. They claim to be saving democracy when in fact their actions prove they are the ones that are destroying it. They attack their political opponent with the legal system, supported by the Injustice Department, on multiple fronts. When that didn't work they force their demented president out and appoint the cackling Marxist VP as their presidential nominee without a primary or democratic process. The cackling VP then selects another Marxist, Minnesota governor Tampon Tim Walz as her running mate. So much for saving democracy. In 1959 former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev said, "We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism." That is where we find ourselves today, this election is not about democrats and republicans, it is about Marxism versus liberty and capitalism. It is about MARX versus TRUMP. Our future depends on our decision and whether we can stem the fraud that will most definitely take place!
* Setup:
Everyone was caught off guard during the Trump-Biden debate except for the Obama team. An expected jacked up Biden did not appear, it was the feeble half-wit, stumbling fool we've become accustomed to. After spending a week in seclusion at Camp David with Obama and crew he should have been rested and juiced enough to make the State of The Union speech look like child's play. It was the opposite, but why? It's no coincidence that after the debate the propaganda main stream media all changed their tune, no longer were they covering for Biden , they had new marching orders now. Pretend like you knew all along that Biden was not in touch with half his brain and that what we've been seeing for at least two years now was really true. Obama had lost confidence that even if hiding Biden, like they did in 2020, wouldn't work this time. A new strategy had to be developed. Through Biden to the wolves, let him fall flat on his face and rally around a new puppet that could keep the Obama machine in power. But who will it be? Maybe Big Mike… I mean Michelle, after all, he's so lovable the propaganda machine could fall right in line and with the planed shenanigans that worked so well in 2020, who knows, they could repeat the election steal and continue on their path of "transforming" our country into the hell hole they envision. We pray that there's enough common sense left that we can avert that nightmare. Our future depends on it!
* Within:
In the early 1900's Marxists like Gramsci were laying the groundwork out for the destruction of capitalism and replacing it with Marxism. It is not an easy process due to human nature and in our God given human rights that we are all born with. In order for Marxism to survive and prosper, those rights need to be compromised and people need to, at first, willingly give them up. This is accomplished in many ways taking decades of slow indoctrination and corruption of societal norms. The education system is a prime focus of Marxist who know that by a slow indoctrination of future generations the switch or evolution from freedom and capitalism to tyranny and Marxism can be accomplished. This is further aided by propaganda and the destruction of the family structure. We are seeing all this happening before our eyes, many aspects of which have been slowly creeping up on us but lately they have been accelerated at break neck speed. The accomplice propaganda mainstream media is not only facilitating this process but they are actively accelerating it. Using the courts, biased judges, prosecutors and media this has allowed the current corrupt Biden administration to attack its political rivals on many fronts as well as cement the stolen 2020 election into history. The deep-state manipulation of a demonstration to turn a peaceful constitutionally protected right into manufactured so called 'insurrection' by grandmothers with American flags was part of the process. Our best hope of turning this around is to re-elect president Trump in November. Then we can start the process of weeding out the evil that exists in our society and our government today. It would be like shining a light on cockroaches and watch them scatter.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
The light is on it's way…
Merry Christmas

* AI-BI:
From machine language to octal, decimal and hexadecimal, computers are basically simple machines that run on 0's and 1's. It's the programming that makes them complicated. Performing simple tasks like mathematical functions is a breeze for these machines. Where things get interesting is where we're currently headed, into the realm of what is being called Artificial Intelligence. This 'intelligence' is a subset of the original programming that enables programs to learn or adapt from their programming to an extension of that programming. The problem that I see with this takes us back to the basics, programming. That programming is as good as the programmer, when it's a simple mathematical function, 2 + 2 = 4, there's no opinions involved, when the programming has to take on conceptual and interpretative outcomes that's when the biases of the programmer take root and influence the program itself. This unfortunately leads to ends that are not as predictable as simple mathematical functions. It leads to Artificial Intelligence becoming Biased Intelligence and that biased intelligence can become our worst nightmare. Depending on the AI programming we could become subjects of an ever increasing biased intelligence society. How we control this and limit the dangers is up for debate, but for now, let us not ignore the pitfalls that could come our way if we do nothing!
* Enemy-Within:
After WWII, and even during the cold war, no one imagined that the United States would ever be defeated militarily or economically. We proved that the power of a free people coupled with capitalism could never be destroyed. Our enemies withing the old Soviet Union and Marxists elsewhere knew that as well and devised strategies that, over time, could undermine, infiltrate, 'educate and divide. For decades invisible forces have been chipping away at our core. Our education system is in shambles. Basic knowledge has been replaced with cultural make-overs, right is wrong and wrong is right, up is down and down is up and no one knows which bathroom to use. Common sense has bene replaced with wokeness and our institutions have been corrupted in a way that targets political differences with made up criminality. A former president with the ability to declassify documents has his home raided by the FBI for documents which he clearly had the right to declassify, where as a member of the same party that controls the arms of power, is left alone even though having classified documents from when he was vice president and was unable to declassify them. The former president had his documents in a safe, protected by private security and the secret service while the former vice president had them in his garage protected by his Corvette. FBI whistle blowers are attacked by Democrats for pointing out the obvious abuse of power while the propaganda media controls the narrative. China has infiltrated our businesses, education and corrupted the current demented occupant of the White house while everyone else is arguing semantics. Our borders have been intentionally opened to further destabilize our country. The destruction that was unimaginable decades ago is happening before our eyes and most are too blinded by hate and angst that they can't see the forest for the trees. Martin Luther King's great statement of judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skins is nowhere to be found. God help us if we don't come to our senses soon!
* Weaponizing:
When a government has essential control of the media, like they do today, and weaponizes government agencies like the FBI, DOJ and IRS it no longer resembles the America we grew up in. It used to be that we could not imagine a two tiered justice system and a government that uses its vast powers to demonize and physically harass its political foes. No longer are differences settled by facts and evidence but rather by the powerful and greedy. Democrats and liberal socialists are very skilled at the blame game and justification of their abuses. They don't seek dialog, their intent is to silence and intimidate like sending swat teams to a residence for a suspicion of a misdemeanor. Guilty until proven innocent is their game, lady justice be dammed. Our good friends Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing are going through this nightmare due to the abuse of power by the Biden administration. Their only crime was to dare help represent President Trump during the aftermath of the obviously stolen election of 2020. Personal belongings including cell phones and iPads were taken compromising their clients privileges and personal information. To this date their legal bills are over $500,000. At every opportunity we need to shed light on the evil that has invaded our government and help save America from the powers intent of destroying her. Please help Joe and Victoria, if you can, and let others know. Visit May God Bless them in their journey!
Merry Christmas

* Trump:
There was a red wave, unfortunately it ran into a democrat dam. They’ve been working on this dam for decades and thanks to the covid mail in ballot nonsense they’ve almost perfected it. The dam consists of many parts, first it’s massive mail in ballots, even to people that are not registered and non-citizens. They collect votes via ballot harvesting, with coercion at times, and this nonsense lasts for weeks, sometimes months. Another part of their dam is to create chaos on election day knowing that most republicans vote on that day. Machine malfunctions and supply problems are but a couple of the stumbling blocks that dam up election day for republicans. When problems arise and extensions are asked for because of those problems, typically liberal judges refuse to grant extensions but they are eager to extend mail in ballot counting, even when ballots arrive after the designated date of the election. If you believe that people voted for high inflation, high crime rates, open borders and international chaos, I have some swamp land to sell you. If you believe people could vote for a mentally disabled candidate over a highly competent doctor, there may be some of that swamp land left. It’s a dam shame! These dam irregularities seem to always happen in democrat-controlled counties, what a surprise. We should return to the time when we had absentee voting for those legitimately absent on election day and election day voting only. Proof of citizenship should be required and resources can be made available to make this happen. If not, we will never have a truly fair election again.
Pilling on and blaming president Trump has been a predictable onslaught. Keep in mind that the only excitement during this mid-term elections came from the Trump MAGA movement. Americans believing in freedom and wanting to restore sanity voted in droves, republicans out numbered democrats yet we are told the red-wave didn’t materialize and we should just accept another defeat laying down. All this while they continue to attack Trump. Just ask yourself, if Trump is a loser and he was at fault for the “official’ results of these mid-terms, then why are they still attacking him? If he’s such a loser then why waste your time? Swamp creatures are coming out of the woodwork thinking that Trump is dead, but that’s far from the truth. Trump is playing chess while they play checkers, he’s identifying the swamp, left and right, and shining a light on them. This was a battle in the war to save our republic, it’s far from over and Trump is leading the troops. March on!
* Common-Sense:
It's four years since the United States, and the world in general, has drifted from common-sense to ideological, propaganda driven, non-sense. The November 5th election was a God send, a re-direct to basic principles of right and wrong and common-sense. Let's just list a few examples of how President Trump is bringing common-sense back:
God created man and woman, not trans. They are different in many ways, thankfully, and we need to respect that difference. Boys should not compete against girls and men should not compete against women when those differences are in play. That's common-sense!
A country without a border is not a country. If you can't enforce your border, you have no country. For four years the Biden-Harris disastrous open border policy has let in millions of unfettered people many of whom have violent histories and possible terrorist associations. All of whom broke the law by crossing our border illegally. To round them up and send them back to where they came from is the right and safe thing to do. It doesn't mean that you are against immigration or immigrants, it means it should be done legally. That's Common-sense!
35-Trillion dollars in debt and counting… That is unsustainable. Where are our hard earned tax dollars going? Doesn't it make sense to find out and remove the waste and duplication within our government? That's why Trump created DOGE, the Department Of Government Efficiency. Now that it's starting to cut the waste, and deep state manipulation, progressive socialist amongst us are crying foul. That means DOGE is over the target. That's common-sense!
DEI is DEAD! Our great founding fathers envisioned a country based on faith in God and guided by basic principles that all men are created equal. That's why Thomas Jefferson penned in our Declaration of Independence the following, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." No where in there does it say anything about a guarantee of happiness or equal outcomes. Those pursuits are what freedom is all about. We have to reach for them ourselves. That's common-sense!
* 20-Million:
With President Trump's landslide victory on Tuesday comes a new awakening of the American spirit. The enthusiasm we've seen at countless Trump rallies and events, the patriotism and love of country was palatable with everyone participating being Americans, not white, black, Latino, Asian or any other designation democrats like to place on people, they were Americans. Winning the electoral college by a large margin as well as the popular vote says a lot about what voters feel about the past 4 years and their hope for the next 4. It's a beautiful thing to see and live through. Once again the future is full of possibilities. Border security, economic stability, safety, energy independence and peace in the world to name a few. Which brings us to why the misery of the Biden-Harris administration came about in the first place, it should never have happened. In 2020 155 million votes were cast. Currently there are a total of around 140 million. Trump is about at 72 million which is 2 million less than he got in 2020. How can that be if it's such a huge, or as Trump would say Yuge, victory? In 2020 basement Joe 'got' 81 million votes, approximately 20-million more than what Kamala has gotten. How can that be? Creepy Joe was not that popular and Trump's administration was successful. We had no inflation to speak of, border security, energy independence and peace in the world. These vote totals are what they should've been in 2020. We are seeing in real-time, anecdotal evidence that fraud did occur in 2020 and the nightmare we endured was manmade. Our long nightmare is almost over. May God bless President Trump and may God Bless America!
* Komrade Kamala
They tried to hide her as long as possible but the pressure was too great. She had to come out of her bunker and do some softball interviews but even in those you could see what a loser she was. Just like in 2020 when she ran for president and didn't even make it to the first primary. Democrats cry that democracy is at stake when they are the ones destroying it. They force the mindless feeble Biden to step aside and coronate the least popular democrat to take his place, they were stuck because it was her or they wouldn't be able to use the funds raised for Biden/Harris. If you want to see what is in the soul of these democrats just look at their projections, they project what they are in reality. They claim president Trump will have an enemies list and target his political rivals when in fact that’s what they've done to him. They claim he will use the courts to go after hie rivals but that's exactly what they've done to him. They claim he is divisive then they call him Hitler and his supporters garbage. She says Trump is evil and working on a target list while she is working on her Todo list. She doesn't explain what that is but it's easy to figure out:
Komrade Kamala's List:
1. Kill the 1st amendment to stop all that 'mis-information out there'
2. Keep our borders open to continue the destruction of our nation.
3. Price controls to destroy our economy like those of every country that have tried the same communist tactic.
4. Allow illegals to vote to retain perpetual power and end any possibility of reversing the damage.
5. Abortion until birth and after!
6. Enable our enemies abroad and turn your back on our allies.
Those are just some of the dangers her presidency would bring. This election is the most important in our lifetimes, our freedom and liberty are at stake. If this election is stolen again there may not be any going back, it will be a very dangerous time for all. May God bless America in these perilous times!
Far left liberals used to hide their socialists tendencies, not any more. They have become brazen in their open embrace of socialism, and by extension, communism that they no longer cloak their intensions and beliefs. Knowing that the propaganda leftist main stream media is in their pockets, they don't care anymore. Also, as they proved in 2020, knowing that they can rig elections with fraudulent votes and 'soft' verification, their no voter ID scheme is guaranteed to assist in their mission to nullify legal republican votes with illegal democrat ones. They claim to be saving democracy when in fact their actions prove they are the ones that are destroying it. They attack their political opponent with the legal system, supported by the Injustice Department, on multiple fronts. When that didn't work they force their demented president out and appoint the cackling Marxist VP as their presidential nominee without a primary or democratic process. The cackling VP then selects another Marxist, Minnesota governor Tampon Tim Walz as her running mate. So much for saving democracy. In 1959 former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev said, "We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism." That is where we find ourselves today, this election is not about democrats and republicans, it is about Marxism versus liberty and capitalism. It is about MARX versus TRUMP. Our future depends on our decision and whether we can stem the fraud that will most definitely take place!
* Setup:
Everyone was caught off guard during the Trump-Biden debate except for the Obama team. An expected jacked up Biden did not appear, it was the feeble half-wit, stumbling fool we've become accustomed to. After spending a week in seclusion at Camp David with Obama and crew he should have been rested and juiced enough to make the State of The Union speech look like child's play. It was the opposite, but why? It's no coincidence that after the debate the propaganda main stream media all changed their tune, no longer were they covering for Biden , they had new marching orders now. Pretend like you knew all along that Biden was not in touch with half his brain and that what we've been seeing for at least two years now was really true. Obama had lost confidence that even if hiding Biden, like they did in 2020, wouldn't work this time. A new strategy had to be developed. Through Biden to the wolves, let him fall flat on his face and rally around a new puppet that could keep the Obama machine in power. But who will it be? Maybe Big Mike… I mean Michelle, after all, he's so lovable the propaganda machine could fall right in line and with the planed shenanigans that worked so well in 2020, who knows, they could repeat the election steal and continue on their path of "transforming" our country into the hell hole they envision. We pray that there's enough common sense left that we can avert that nightmare. Our future depends on it!
* Within:
In the early 1900's Marxists like Gramsci were laying the groundwork out for the destruction of capitalism and replacing it with Marxism. It is not an easy process due to human nature and in our God given human rights that we are all born with. In order for Marxism to survive and prosper, those rights need to be compromised and people need to, at first, willingly give them up. This is accomplished in many ways taking decades of slow indoctrination and corruption of societal norms. The education system is a prime focus of Marxist who know that by a slow indoctrination of future generations the switch or evolution from freedom and capitalism to tyranny and Marxism can be accomplished. This is further aided by propaganda and the destruction of the family structure. We are seeing all this happening before our eyes, many aspects of which have been slowly creeping up on us but lately they have been accelerated at break neck speed. The accomplice propaganda mainstream media is not only facilitating this process but they are actively accelerating it. Using the courts, biased judges, prosecutors and media this has allowed the current corrupt Biden administration to attack its political rivals on many fronts as well as cement the stolen 2020 election into history. The deep-state manipulation of a demonstration to turn a peaceful constitutionally protected right into manufactured so called 'insurrection' by grandmothers with American flags was part of the process. Our best hope of turning this around is to re-elect president Trump in November. Then we can start the process of weeding out the evil that exists in our society and our government today. It would be like shining a light on cockroaches and watch them scatter.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
The light is on it's way…
Merry Christmas

* AI-BI:
From machine language to octal, decimal and hexadecimal, computers are basically simple machines that run on 0's and 1's. It's the programming that makes them complicated. Performing simple tasks like mathematical functions is a breeze for these machines. Where things get interesting is where we're currently headed, into the realm of what is being called Artificial Intelligence. This 'intelligence' is a subset of the original programming that enables programs to learn or adapt from their programming to an extension of that programming. The problem that I see with this takes us back to the basics, programming. That programming is as good as the programmer, when it's a simple mathematical function, 2 + 2 = 4, there's no opinions involved, when the programming has to take on conceptual and interpretative outcomes that's when the biases of the programmer take root and influence the program itself. This unfortunately leads to ends that are not as predictable as simple mathematical functions. It leads to Artificial Intelligence becoming Biased Intelligence and that biased intelligence can become our worst nightmare. Depending on the AI programming we could become subjects of an ever increasing biased intelligence society. How we control this and limit the dangers is up for debate, but for now, let us not ignore the pitfalls that could come our way if we do nothing!
* Enemy-Within:
After WWII, and even during the cold war, no one imagined that the United States would ever be defeated militarily or economically. We proved that the power of a free people coupled with capitalism could never be destroyed. Our enemies withing the old Soviet Union and Marxists elsewhere knew that as well and devised strategies that, over time, could undermine, infiltrate, 'educate and divide. For decades invisible forces have been chipping away at our core. Our education system is in shambles. Basic knowledge has been replaced with cultural make-overs, right is wrong and wrong is right, up is down and down is up and no one knows which bathroom to use. Common sense has bene replaced with wokeness and our institutions have been corrupted in a way that targets political differences with made up criminality. A former president with the ability to declassify documents has his home raided by the FBI for documents which he clearly had the right to declassify, where as a member of the same party that controls the arms of power, is left alone even though having classified documents from when he was vice president and was unable to declassify them. The former president had his documents in a safe, protected by private security and the secret service while the former vice president had them in his garage protected by his Corvette. FBI whistle blowers are attacked by Democrats for pointing out the obvious abuse of power while the propaganda media controls the narrative. China has infiltrated our businesses, education and corrupted the current demented occupant of the White house while everyone else is arguing semantics. Our borders have been intentionally opened to further destabilize our country. The destruction that was unimaginable decades ago is happening before our eyes and most are too blinded by hate and angst that they can't see the forest for the trees. Martin Luther King's great statement of judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skins is nowhere to be found. God help us if we don't come to our senses soon!
* Weaponizing:
When a government has essential control of the media, like they do today, and weaponizes government agencies like the FBI, DOJ and IRS it no longer resembles the America we grew up in. It used to be that we could not imagine a two tiered justice system and a government that uses its vast powers to demonize and physically harass its political foes. No longer are differences settled by facts and evidence but rather by the powerful and greedy. Democrats and liberal socialists are very skilled at the blame game and justification of their abuses. They don't seek dialog, their intent is to silence and intimidate like sending swat teams to a residence for a suspicion of a misdemeanor. Guilty until proven innocent is their game, lady justice be dammed. Our good friends Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing are going through this nightmare due to the abuse of power by the Biden administration. Their only crime was to dare help represent President Trump during the aftermath of the obviously stolen election of 2020. Personal belongings including cell phones and iPads were taken compromising their clients privileges and personal information. To this date their legal bills are over $500,000. At every opportunity we need to shed light on the evil that has invaded our government and help save America from the powers intent of destroying her. Please help Joe and Victoria, if you can, and let others know. Visit May God Bless them in their journey!
Merry Christmas

* Trump:
There was a red wave, unfortunately it ran into a democrat dam. They’ve been working on this dam for decades and thanks to the covid mail in ballot nonsense they’ve almost perfected it. The dam consists of many parts, first it’s massive mail in ballots, even to people that are not registered and non-citizens. They collect votes via ballot harvesting, with coercion at times, and this nonsense lasts for weeks, sometimes months. Another part of their dam is to create chaos on election day knowing that most republicans vote on that day. Machine malfunctions and supply problems are but a couple of the stumbling blocks that dam up election day for republicans. When problems arise and extensions are asked for because of those problems, typically liberal judges refuse to grant extensions but they are eager to extend mail in ballot counting, even when ballots arrive after the designated date of the election. If you believe that people voted for high inflation, high crime rates, open borders and international chaos, I have some swamp land to sell you. If you believe people could vote for a mentally disabled candidate over a highly competent doctor, there may be some of that swamp land left. It’s a dam shame! These dam irregularities seem to always happen in democrat-controlled counties, what a surprise. We should return to the time when we had absentee voting for those legitimately absent on election day and election day voting only. Proof of citizenship should be required and resources can be made available to make this happen. If not, we will never have a truly fair election again.
Pilling on and blaming president Trump has been a predictable onslaught. Keep in mind that the only excitement during this mid-term elections came from the Trump MAGA movement. Americans believing in freedom and wanting to restore sanity voted in droves, republicans out numbered democrats yet we are told the red-wave didn’t materialize and we should just accept another defeat laying down. All this while they continue to attack Trump. Just ask yourself, if Trump is a loser and he was at fault for the “official’ results of these mid-terms, then why are they still attacking him? If he’s such a loser then why waste your time? Swamp creatures are coming out of the woodwork thinking that Trump is dead, but that’s far from the truth. Trump is playing chess while they play checkers, he’s identifying the swamp, left and right, and shining a light on them. This was a battle in the war to save our republic, it’s far from over and Trump is leading the troops. March on!
* Democracy?:
Has it gotten to the point where half of the electorate has become so dumbfounded and stupid that they would vote for a rock over a qualified candidate, regardless of party? The Fetterman election is one for the ages. Either people just voted for the name with the D next to it, regardless of who that was, or they intentionally voted for someone that can't complete a sentence without help or the democrat fraud system is working as planned. I'm hoping it's the system because if it's the people, we've gone beyond the point of saving our Republic. In 2020 Joe Biden said, "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." Was that a rare piece of Biden honesty, a gaff or something else. Maybe when he says we need to save our democracy he really means save our fraud organization that has taken us so long to perfect. After all, we are not a democracy, we are a Republic. Our founding fathers were brilliant and understood that a democracy would not protect the individual from the masses. A democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner, you know how that will end up. Democrats find a way to sabotage voting machines, equipment and supplies so that on election day there is chaos and long lines knowing that most republicans vote on election day. This is intentional. In Florida the results were done withing a couple of hours of the polls closing, in Arizona and Nevada it takes them a week to find enough votes to win. It's disgraceful how far our elections have degraded. We should only have same day voting and absentee if you will be traveling on election day or are in the military and stationed away from home. We have the resources to make that happen and secure our elections to only citizens or we will forever be at the mercy of not the voters, but of the vote counters!
* Free-Speech:
Our founding fathers new without freedom of speech a republic could not be maintained. That is why the very first amendment to the Constitution is freedom of speech, it goes as follows:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Unfortunately we currently have an administration who tramples on that amendment like is was their personal door mat. They have weaponized the in-justice department and FBI against the people they were meant to protect. FBI raids citizens homes for peacefully protesting against the killing of babies up until birth in in some case even after birth. First amendment be dammed. Freedom of the press is useless when it becomes the tool of the state and free exercise thereof can be hazardous to your health. We are walking a thin line between freedom and totalitarianism. The mid-term elections may help to right the ship of state, if the democrats are successful at same fraud they pulled off in 2020, we will be in for a dark winter. GOD Help us!
* Looney-Left:
It's the same song and dance, over and over again. Never let a crisis go to waste. Facing the horrible disaster that has been hurricane Ian, the Looney-Left is signing in unison to the blame America crowd, it's because of climate change. If we had only passed the 'Inflation Reduction Act' sooner. Their arguments are so stupid they're actually funny. Their 'Inflation Reduction Act' increases inflation and the climate change waste within it will do nothing to affect climate change, global warming, the new ice age or acid rain. They dance in circles and entertain themselves with their nonsense then watch as the propaganda media carries their water. Turning this natural disaster into a political ploy is par for the course for those with rooms to rent upstairs. There were hurricanes long before fossil fuels were used by man and there would still be hurricanes even if everything were electric. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this terrible storm. May God bless and help you!
* Insanity:
The spin, lies and hypocrisy of the left is so blatant it's laughable, but with the propaganda media on their side, they manage to fool many. The power of the media should not be underestimated, that goes for high tech as Facebook's cartoon head just admitted. He admitted this week that the Federal Bureau of Incompetence (formally the FBI) told them to be on the look out for false information about Hunter's laptop in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election. It was the same Russia collusion story meant to withhold damming facts about Hunter and Joe and the Biden crime shenanigans in order to influence the election. How could they help pull off the crime of the century if the truth got our about the corruption involving Ukraine and China? Now the propaganda being peddled is that JoeBama's numbers are going up because of all his accomplishments. It's utterly stupid to believe any of their nonsense. Accomplishments like the debacle in Afghanistan where 20 years of sacrifice and human treasure lost gave way to surrendering to the Taliban and giving them billions of dollars in military equipment. Or maybe the doubling of fuels prices, or the open borders strain or our system, inflation at a forty year high and use of the injustice department to go after their political enemies while shielding their own corruption. The list goes on and on, you cannot name one accomplishment that the demented one has. They are destroying America while at the same time blaming others for it. It would be insane to believe anything that comes out of this administration, it's the continuation of the transformation that Barrack Hussein Obama promised and it's being carried out under his control!
* FBI:
The Federal Bureau of Incompetence has again proven that their very existence is contrary to the founding principles of our great republic! The blindfold of lady justice has been trashed at the once respected agency. Gone are the days when the FBI was revered, now they have become a questionable arm of injustice. They raid Trump's lawyers homes and confiscate their electronics with confidential information of their other clients, they put peaceful people in shackles like Roger Stone and Peter Navarro but let obvious crimes like Hillary's destruction of subpoenaed emails, cell phones and computers, Hunter Biden's incriminating evidence on his own laptop, which the FBI has in their possession, Bill's pedophile island exploits and Epstein's mysterious 'suicide' just go away, nothing to see here. Now they have raided, for the first time in history, an ex-presidents home residence. They've taken outrageous to another level. When an agency with the power and tools of the FBI becomes nothing more than a political weapon of the deep state, it's time for them to GO!
* Distraction:
The latest distraction from the clown show at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the upcoming 'climate emergency'. It is nothing more than an excuse for why everything senile Joe touches turns to diaper-doo. His policies from day one created the doubling of gas prices which in combination with unprecedented spending has caused an almost 10% inflation rate. One in which the average American family is having to deal with and is crippling the economy. No it's not Putin's fault and no it's not the climate's either. Gas prices have come down a bit recently, not because of anything they've done, but because the economy is shrinking reducing demand on fuel. It's the green monster in the room, the liberal hallucinations of climate calamity. In the 70's we were going to freeze because of the upcoming new ice age, that turned into acid rain, that turned into global warming, when that didn't pan out, viola, we now have climate change. These hypocrites fly around in their private jest and lecture us about CO2 emission from our 4 cylinder cars. If they didn't have stupid ideas, they would have none at all. Ronald Reagan once said, "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so." Amen!
* Babies-Life's-Matter:
The real BLM, Babies-Life's-Matter is finally before us. The Supreme Court made a decision that corrected an error made almost 50 years ago, it reversed Roe Vs Wade. No where in the Constitution does it state a "right" to abortion, on the contrary, the Constitution states that any powers not granted to the federal government are reserved for the states and the people. That's what this decision has done, it has returned the issue of abortion to the people through their state's representatives. What we have been witnessing since Friday by out of control lib-tards intent on murdering innocent life's is visceral anger and ignorance. Democrats have truly become the party of killing. They demonstrate 'peacefully' by burning, looting, destroying property and assaulting people. They're also demonstrating their ignorance by doing these 'peaceful' demonstrations in places where the Supreme Court decision has no effect since abortion is already legal in those states. But their madness is about more than abortion, it's about control. When it comes to a choice between life and death, I choose life, because without life, nothing else is possible. An unborn child is not an inconvenience, it does not ask to be conceived, but if he could talk, he would ask for a chance, his own choice, a choice of life!
* Memorial-Day
On this Memorial Day weekend we remember the sacrifices our military has made through the years, and continues to make today. We mourn those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us free. At the same time, we celebrate that such men and women lived. Freedom is not free. Let us not disgrace their sacrifice by giving away the freedom they gave their lives for!

* FREE-Speech:
Liberals are loosing their minds over Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter. How dare he buy a media platform that has been able to successfully censor, and in many cases, cancel conservative speech. You might also say that in a way, the censoring of the Hunter laptop story right before the 2020 presidential election may have changed the outcome of the election itself. Liberal Tesla owners are probably crying in their safe rooms knowing their money helped free Twitter from the woke-cancel darlings they admire. There's something about freedom of speech that the left finds abhorrent. If you are a conservative and don't like what a liberal says you simply ignore it. If you are a liberal and don't like what a conservative says, you try to shut them down. Musk says that free speech is allowing someone you don't like to say something you don't agree with. That's the opposite of what Twitter had become. It's a good day for the Constitution and freedom of speech!
* Wokeness:
What has come to be known as 'Woke' is nothing more than Stupid. When you put the interest of a few ahead of the vast majority and common sense, that's not being woke, that's being moronic. The Florida parental rights protection bill which is being called the "Don't say Gay Bill" by the ignorant 'woke' crowd and MSM dim bulbs is really about protecting young children from indoctrination and ensuring parental rights over of the care and education of their kids. There is nothing in the bill about not saying 'gay'. Children from kindergarten to 3rd grade have been subjected to biased sexual indoctrination and coercion without their parents knowledge. The bill is meant to prevent that. Young children should be learning the basics, reading, writing and arithmetic not whether Mark should really be Mary if he 'feels' like identifying as a girl. What would possibly make him feel that way in the first place if it's not the same idiots that are filling his head with woke nonsense to begin with. We're living in a moral vacuum when teachers preach rather than teach and administrators run interference for them. A generation of people have already been indoctrinated with socialist lies and misinformation, now they are moving into the bathroom. Enough with drag queen theatre and stupid woke culture. There are boys and there are girls and yes, they are different, get over it!
* Appeasement:
The definition of appeasement is what we have been seeing from the demented one's administration, "Diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an aggressive power in order to avoid conflict." When a bully is in the middle of an unprovoked attack, just sitting back and watching is not the solution. Specially when the bully has a weapon while the victim does not. In Iraq we had a no-fly zone in the south to stave off Iran and in the north to protect the Kurds from the Turks. There's no reason a multi-national coalition couldn't enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine to protect a victim from the bully. What good is the UN, the EU and other international bodies if they can't keep a sovereign state from being destroyed in an unprovoked attack by a neighbor state? How many innocents must die before a stand is taken. Bullies don't stop until they are put in their place, regardless of the threat, because in the end, a threat is just that while actual carnage is taking place. History is a harsh judge, like it's been in the past!
* Weakness:
The real world is not Cum Ba Ya sitting around a camp fire, there is good and there is evil, there is right and there is wrong. There are bullies and there are wimps, everyone knows who they are, and if they prove who they are through their actions, the bully gets away with anything he wants. Biden has proven to be a wimp, a deep swamp creature who is long past his expiration date. He slithers to and fro yearning for his ice cream and pudding pops while the world and our back yard is attacked. Putin is the bully, he's wrong in everything he's doing but he knows who he's up against. Why isn't Covid stopping the Russian tanks? Why aren't' those soldiers wearing masks? They're all going to die! Suddenly the fake news propaganda media is silent on the China virus and spinning White House talking points. Strength and fear is what bullies understand, Putin knew that about Trump as he knew how to play Obama and Biden, he still does. Alexander the Great once said, "I do not fear an army of lions if they are led by a lamb. I do fear an army of sheep if they are led by a lion." With Ba-Ba Biden at the helm, we're in deep trouble!
* Control:
Through a convenient man-created pandemic, the world has been turned upside down. If you peel away the layers of confusion, mis-information, propaganda and hysteria, you end up with reality. A virus has been used to manipulate and control public opinion and lives of innocent people throughout the world. An experimental gene therapy drug was disguised as a vaccine that never did what it was suppose to do, but has done much that years and decades from now, we'll still be dealing with. Only now when the mid-term elections are drawing near, and leftist big government liberals see the writing on the wall, are mandates and requirements starting to be eased up in blue states. It's not the science that has changed, as they are excusing their overreach on, it's the lies behind their selected, edited and manipulated versions of science that are being shown for what they always were. You can't fool the people all of the time!
* Hysteria:
The massive global Covid hysteria-hypnosis is starting to crack. As more an more people realize they've been duped while the evidence starts piling up around them. The demented one's stupid statement that, "You have to get vaccinated to protect those that are vaccinated" was a tell tale sign of things to come. The same thing goes for if masks work, then why do I have to wear one if you have one on? It's the hysteria, the fear mongering, the false overblown death numbers and scary messages. The CDC (Centers for Disinformation and Control) finally had to admit that the number of deaths FROM Covid as opposed to WITH Covid is but a fraction of the number they have been scaring the public with. Remember those morbid videos of people dead in the streets of Wuhan when all this started? Where are those now? They achieved their purpose, China and the globalist were getting their way but it's hard to hide the truth and facts forever, because in the end, that's what's left behind!
There's a saying that goes, "Go woke and go broke," could NASCAR be heading in that direction? NASCAR is the top car racing association in the country, their fans are mostly red state patriotic Americans. This past season a spontaneous chant broke out in the stands at the end of one of the races, a race won by Brandon Brown. The chant was "F_ck Joe Biden." A reporter was interviewing Brandon while the chant was going on and as expected for the woke fake media the reporter said they were chanting "Let's go Brandon." That was the birth of the Let's Go Brandon saying, a nicer way to say how we really feel about the demented one and what he's doing to our country. Now we have a crypto coin which was created to symbolize this movement and the patriots that believe in it, the LGBcoin. Let's Go Brandon, beside F Joe Biden, also means Let's Go America, it is something everyone who believes in this country and what it stands for can get behind. NASCAR fans overwhelmingly believe in this, even so, NASCAR, after officials initially approved the LGBCoin sponsorship of Brandon Brown has now reneged on that approval and has denied the sponsorship paint scheme on the race car. The woke madness has taken over NASCAR leadership. After George Floyd's death when Black Lives Matter, a Marxist based anti-American group inspired destruction in cities across the country, NASCAR allowed a Black Lives Matter sponsorship on one of the cars. Even though the vast majority of their fan base disapprove of BLM, they did so anyway. Now they say they don't want to be political. Maybe if the LGBcoin sponsors say that LGB stands for Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual then they'll allow it. NASCAR are acting like a bunch of woke sissys, and that wokeness is going to bite them in the tailpipe!
* Con-Job:
January 6, 2020 was a con-job pulled off in plain sight. It has become almost a sacred holiday for the perpetrators of this 'insurrection' hoax and their brainwashed lemmings. There was no way a bumbling, demented fool campaigning from his basement could have gotten 80 million votes. The steal was in, fraud was executed as planned. and the end was in sight. There was only one problem standing between the stolen election and the inauguration, it was the constitutional challenge to fraudulent electoral votes. The counting of those votes was to take place on January 6, 2020. The fake insurrection made it possible to bypass the challenge by staging a riot, encouraged by deep state 'FBI informants' and antifa soldiers. This act was aided by capitol police instructed to let demonstrators into the capitol and by not preparing for a demonstration in the first place. President Trump offered to send the National Guard days before the planned January 6th gathering and was turned down, why? All previous Trump rallies were peaceful and had antifa agitators attacking Trump supporters, but why not this one? The only one killed on January 6, 2020 was an unarmed vet, Ashli Babbitt. She was murdered in plain sight on video and the capitol police officer that murdered her was given a medal for it, outrageous! Unarmed demonstrators from that day still suffer at the hands of their jailors in a DC prison in worst conditions and with worse treatment than terrorists at Gitmo in Cuba. Our government is holding political prisoners in our capital and most people don't even care or know about it. It's truly one of the most despicable stains on our history and someday it will be shown for what it is. There was no insurrection on January 6, 2020, there was only the conclusion of a well planned coup to destroy the Trump presidency, and it worked!
* Sinister:
As this Let's Go Brandon year comes to a close we have much to celebrate. Not because of the disaster that is the demented one's rule, but that it may lead to enlightening people to its danger. The sinister plot that began in evil tiny brains like Fauci's is beginning to be clear. Take a look back at 2019, America was becoming great again, something had to be done to change that path, and it was. Along comes a China virus leaked from a lab that was funded by Fauci's own NIH department. A scourge on America and the world ensued, taking over our lives and changing our futures forever. A pandemic from a man-enhanced virus that if left alone would have run its course by now. That wouldn't have been acceptable, a drug had to be developed that would enrich the pharmaceuticals while at the same time enslaving all those unfortunate enough to fall for the trap. The "vaccine" trap. It is the experimental shots that are perpetuating the pandemic by creating variants that require more shots. This never ending cycle is the reason they are pushing the "vaccines", it's at the core of their sinister plot, control, manipulation and tyranny. Lies echoed by an accomplice media extends the darkness and prolongs heard immunity by creating new variants for which the cycle has to be restarted. Only if enough people stand up for their God given rights and declare their freedom from this tyranny will there be hope for mankind. God help us!
Merry Christmas

* Facts:
Public hypnosis is so great that even when facts and truth are in plain sight, most people can't see them. Take the NFL for example, there is currently an outbreak of the China virus and its "vaccine" induced variants running amok amongst the teams with many players being put on what they call, the Covid-19 List. The Los Angeles Rams have 25 players currently on their list. These players aren't necessarily sick, they just happen to test positive. Keep in mind that the NFL required all their players to be "vaccinated" so what was that requirement for? Just imaging that if in the real world people had to take PCR tests to determine if they have been exposed to the flu or common cold and if the test was positive they would not be able to go to work and had to self quarantine for 10 days. Society as we know it would cease to exist. That is what is happening in the NFL and what the underlying result will be if we keep going down this path. The China virus was man-made, the mass hysteria surrounding it was man-made, the over reach and totalitarian control by governments was man-made, societal destruction is man-made. We either get out of this cycle of stupid or we loose our rights and lives as the preverbial lemmings dropping off a cliff!
* Hypnosis:
"Hypnosis is a mental state of highly focused concentration, diminished peripheral awareness, and heightened suggestibility." Therein lies the problem, there's an ongoing hypnotic state that has the country, and much of the world, in a trance. Globalists and power hungry politicians have taken advantage of a man-made pandemic to create a hypnotic state supported by their propaganda media and crooked scientists. When you have the a pseudo scientist like "Falseci" be both the creator and main authority of the pandemic, you have a huge problem. A way of controlling people, a way of subjecting people to an experimental drug that does not do what they said it would and whose creators are protected from liability, a way of controlling people through fear and restrictions. The mRNA shots were supposed to keep people from getting the virus, they did not, then they said they would minimize the severity, they have not, now they say you need boosters for every new variant, but they don't tell you that the shots are creating the variants in the firs place. Antibody Dependent Enhancement, ADE, is the method by which the variants are created, boosters are the method by which control is extended. Today the demented one spoke on the new variant saying, "blah-blah-blah-get vaccinated-blah-blah-get your kids vaccinated-blah-blah-blah-get the booster!" With lying Fauci on one side and cackling Harris on the other, we are assured they have everything under control, God help us!
It's a shame that on this Veterans Day, when we give thanks to all those who served and sacrificed, in defense of our liberty and freedom, that we have political prisoners in the heart of our own capital. January 6th defendants being held and tortured in Washington, DC jail are being treated worse than Islamic terrorist are in Guantanamo, Cuba. GITMO, as it is known, is like summer camp compared to the treatment of the demonstrators that have been incarcerated in DC without due process or bail. They live in inhuman conditions and solitary confinement, denied the basic necessities and medical care. If terrorists in GITMO where being treated half as harshly as these Jan 6th Americans, dim-wit main stream media would be up in arms. In 2020 the summer of hate on the streets of many American cities saw riots which included killings, burned buildings, including police stations, looting and wide scale violence. Most of those caught were back on the streets within days, if not hours. Where's the justice in that as compared to the January 6th political witch-hunt? It's a shameful time in our history when we have to witness what is happening today in the demented one's America!
* Deception:
The Chinese virus, AKA Covid-19, would have been over if it were not for the "vaccine". Think about that, the experimental shots were supposed to be the answer but now we can see that they not only fail to prevent you from getting the virus, they also cause the variants and damage your immune system. The CDC's own vaccine adverse reaction database shows that in just this year, 2021, there have been more reported reactions to this shot than all vaccines in the past 10 years combined. That brings us to why JoeBama and his clowns are pushing the shot. It's because between that the virus and Trump bashing that's all they have. The virus allowed them to fraudulently steal the 2020 election with massive mail-in fraud and voting machine manipulation. I know there are those, especially on the left that completely refute that, but it they are right, then why fight legitimate audits every step of the way? Why fight against investigations of the server data involved? You could say that manipulation using the virus and its man made reaction led to where we are today and that the continuing of the madness through forced mandates is what's is being used to keep them in power. It's a deception and distraction from all the failures they create. From the border to Afghanistan to inflation, crime and our supply chain, these are man made disasters that can be clearly placed at the feet of the demented one and his ASSociates!
* Two-Worlds:
It's like we're living in two worlds, the world of normal people going about their business and the world of leftist nut jobs hanging on to their pandemic hysteria and lockdowns. In states like Florida with no lockdowns or mask mandates things are thriving and Covid is tanking. In liberal stronghold states with lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine passports, economies are hampered and businesses are hurting. To the left, power is more important than freedom. If you listen to the nay Sayers and scare mongers you would think we're in the midst of a death spiral but on weekends you can see stadiums full of people, 70 thousand and more, mask less people, side by side, enjoying a game and no super spreaders have occurred. How can that be, if the left's propaganda can be believed, all those people should be getting sick and dying. There are vaccinated and unvaccinated in those thousands and yet, they're still here, looking forward to the next game. It's two worlds, the Marxist government-first one pushed by JoeBama and crew and the normal world most of us live in. Their world forces vaccinations by an experimental drug to protect those who have already taken the experimental drug and the other world where we go about our business and look dumbfoundedly at those fools and lemmings as they wonder by aimlessly!
* Bill-Definitions:
With control of the White House, the House and the Senate democrats are reaching for the stars in their quest to destroy all that makes our country great, and all that president Trump was fighting for. The radical socialist violent left is putting all their eggs in one basket because they know that change is coming in 2022. Hence, their 3.5 Trillion dollar boondoggle. They've tried to re-brand it several times and are still at it but they can't fool all the people all the time. Here are some simple definitions:
Infrastructure Bill: Funds for building, repairing and expanding roads and bridges.
Human Infrastructure Bill: It's hard to build roads and bridges with people, they're lumpy and don't stand up to the weather very well.
Build Back Better Bill: (People didn't fall for that Human Infrastructure bull so let's use the demented one's slogan). More of the same crap!
Communist Blueprint Bill: (Now that's more like it) Fast forward the socialist machine, turn up the heat and finish boiling that frog!
If dem's massive restructuring of our way of life bill succeeds we are in grave danger. Our economy, our way of life and our system of government will be forever changed into the dystopian nightmare, that underlies the intentions, of the ignorant left!
* Newsmax:
Truth hurts those that deny it! When conservatives disagree with a point of view they point out the facts, and if they fail to change others opinions, then they ignore it. When dems/progressives/socialist/communists (loony left) disagree with a point of view they do everything possible to keep others from hearing that point of view. Case in point, big tech censorship of any post, opinion and shows that dare give a different perspective than theirs. The latest casualty is the Newsmax streaming service on YouTube. After FOX News went off the deep end during the 2020 election, droves of conservatives turned them off and tuned into Newsmax. Now they are being cancelled out of fear that they are making a difference by pointing out the truth. When you don't have facts, history or the truth on your side you demonize the opposition, but like John Adams once said, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
* Shameful:
The foolish old demented one expected the ending of the Afghan war to be great timing for the 20th anniversary of 9/11, instead it is the greatest military debacle since the Bay of Pigs. Like then, a president abandoned Americans and our allies on the ground after clearly promising them support. JoeBama and the entire Obama cadre have blood on their hands, including Obama himself. This debacle has Obama's stamp of approval. JoeBama using the 9/11 anniversary to condemn Americans for taking revenge on some Muslims is the icing on the cake, how dare we condemn people of the religion of peace? Meanwhile in the wake of JoeBama's exit from Afghanistan the religion of peace soldiers are going about their religious services by murdering innocent people in the street, including women and children. Sad day for the world but specially for all those victims of 9/11 including the first responders to gave their lives so that others could live. Shameful!
* Non-Vaccine:
As a distraction from his imbecilic blunder in Afghanistan, JoeBama is doubling down on Covid tyranny by mandating the non-vaccine shots nationally. If the death rate for Covid was 90% this move would still be un-constitutional but with it being way under 1% and with the adverse reactions and deaths caused by the experimental mRNA shots, the move is nothing short of tyrannical malpractice. It's bad enough to mandate the federal government to require its employees to be given the fake vaccine but to require private businesses to do so is stupid and shows that this is not about health, it's about power. The demented one actually said that the reason to require people be vaccinated is to protect the vaccinated. Let that sink in, the vaccine is need in the un-vaccinated to keep the vaccinated from getting Covid. There are no words to describe that level if idiocy. Another reason they give is that hey need to force people to do this for their own good. When it comes to murdering an unborn helpless human being in the womb, the left always uses the mantra, my body, my choice. When it comes to the shot, it's your body, our choice. We are witnessing the effects of what happens when the will of the American people is ignored and enemies of our way of life take over through fraud, aided by a socialist army of fools in the media. God help us!
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* Stupidity:
Common sense would dictate that if you are going to retreat, you better cover the retreat. In the case of the Afghan retreat/surrender to the Taliban, no problem, according to the demented one, we got the Taliban to cover our retreat for us. The end result of this stupidity so far is the deaths of 13 U.S. servicemen and scores injured. Common sense would also dictate that if you're going to abandon a country you should have a secure place in which to abandon from, like your own military base that took billions to build, but according to the demented one, and his Obama retread staff, it was better to desert that base and give the billions of dollars worth of military equipment to our enemies, after all, they are covering our retreat. JoeBama and his Obama handlers are either that stupid or they are intentionally destroying our credibility and standing in the world and thereby endangering us by inviting future confrontations, provocations and attacks. Weakness begets probing and probing leads to deaths. The JoeBama administration is obsessed with Covid and yet Covid did not stop a middle-ages demented terrorist organization in sandals from taking over Afghanistan in less than two weeks. They also performed this magic feat mask-less and unvaccinated, how could that be? It's like not seeing the forest for the trees, this administration is perpetuating a pandemic because through that pandemic they were able to pull off a fraudulent election and through a continuation of the pandemic they are able to hold on to power. Vaccinations are the cause of the continued pandemic because it is those vaccinations that are causing the variants that perpetuate the infections and thus requiring more vaccinations. It's a never ending cycle. Adverse Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is caused by the mRNA vaccines, that's what causes the variants. While we're being held hostage by vaccine worshipers and lockdown evangelists our enemies take hostages overseas and bring a once powerful military to its knees. It's a sad day both at home and abroad!
* Lab-Rats:
Imagine what the response would have been to the Polio vaccine if you kept having to get a booster shot because the vaccine wouldn't prevent Polio, it would only lessen the symptoms. That's what's happening today with the experimental Covid 'vaccine', which is not a traditional vaccine to begin with. The mRNA shot is an experimental DNA modifying experiment that had failed in the previous 10 years that it had been tested in the lab. It wasn't until Covid that the opportunity came up to test on a wide scale on humans, which are in essence, the new lab-rats. There's a reason why the manufacturers of the shots only agreed to produce them if they where given immunity from responsibility from any unforeseen side affects, including death. Contrary to the propaganda being spewed by the government and its liberal media arm the shots are NOT FDA approved, they have only been given EMERGENCY approval with protection from legal action. The CDC's own Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( shows the reports from these experimental shots are much worse than any other in history. It is possible that when you take away co-morbidity from the so called Covid deaths you would probably end up with around 40 thousand deaths from Covid alone. The reported deaths from the experimental shots is higher that that, going on 60 thousand. When the remedy is worse than the disease, don't take the remedy!
* Lindell:
Anyone with half a brain (not speaking of JoeBama) knows that something about the 2020 presidential election was not right, it doesn't pass the smell test. No way a cranky, demented old swamp creature, who didn't leave his basement, got more votes than anyone in history. No way republicans voted for republican state legislatures, congress men and women, senators and yet voted for Biden, that is just illogical and stupid. The question is, what can be done about it? Many say it's too late, it's terrible but we should make sure it doesn't happen again. Unfortunately it's not that easy. We are witnessing a destruction of our way of life, our borders, our freedom. It's not too late if it can be proven that the election was indeed stolen by within through massive fraud or by a foreign actor such as China through a coordinated cyber attack. Mike Lindell, a successful businessman put his life, his finances and his business on the line for us. Like Our founding fathers, the original patriots sacrificed all for our liberty, Mike is doing so as well. We owe him our deepest respect and support. His 72 hour live cyber symposium in going on right now. Tune in at God speed Mike Lindell!
* Masks:
Speaking of Pelosi, some people do look better in masks, takes years off you age and saves so much on those Botox injections. But that's no reason to mandate them for everyone else. Pelosi talking about masks is like a one-handed Albino trying to put on leotards, not pretty (no offense to Albinos). Liberals, progressives, dems, socialists, they will not let this crisis go to waste. They got their Chinese virus and turned it into a voter fraud smorgasbord. A way to hood wink the public that for their own safety they had to sacrifice their God given, Constitutionally guaranteed rights. We went along, like lemmings on the march, but enough is enough. Using Covid variants should not be a pass to permanently surrender your rights. Colds and the flu will always be with us, so will the Covid variant of the flu and the Covid variants of Covid itself. What happened to 2020's flu season? Did you hear of anyone coming down with the flu? It was all Covid wall to wall. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, no wear two or three. If you get vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask, oops. Now if you have been vaccinated your are more likely to get the new variant. Back to wearing masks. Enough already, get on with life. If you want the vaccine, get it, if you want to wear a mask, wear it, leave the rest of us alone. If you're butt ugly like Pelosi, keep it on!
* Blinky:
Minority leader McCarthy appoints 5 members to Blinky Pelosi's scam January 6th commission and Blinky has a hissy fit and kicks 2 of them off. How dare McCarthy appoint someone who will actually question Pelosi's role in the fake insurrection. Dem's hold on to January 6th hype because they have nothing else to talk about. Their policies are destroying the country from their open borders, socialist spending that is leading to runaway inflation and defund police campaign that is causing unprecedented rise in crime. Blinky disapproved of reps Jordan and Banks because her minions would have been outclassed. It's OK for her to have impeachment managers on the commission but reps that question the 2020 election and what happened on January 6th cannot be allowed. Only RINO's like delusional Liz Cheney can be accepted. Liz has got TDS and shows it every time she opens her trap. There are legitimate questions about January 6th that need to be answered: Why did Pelosi turn down President Trump's offer to boost security? Why did she blame Trump for inciting the fake insurrection when he told people at his rally to demonstrate peacefully? If it was an insurrection why was the only one shot a Trump supporter, Ashli Babbitt, and why weren't the Trump supporters armed? Why did the capitol police open doors for the demonstrator and even show them the way while they were inside the Capitol? Why were there so many FBI 'informants' amongst the people there? Where was the Antifa and BLM agitators that always show up at Trump rallies? How did Antifa have live video of the march inside the Capitol? If it was an insurrection why hasn't anyone been charged with insurrection? This commission along with anything else Pelosi touches is a political hack job. She is a miserable old hag!
* Cuba:
Sixty-two years of Communist utopia is coming to a head in Cuba. The loony left and JoeBama blame Covid and ask for calm in the streets. Where was the call for calm when the fascists antifa and Marxist blm where rioting, killing and burning cities this past summer? Cubans in the streets of Cuba's impoverished cities are not there because of a Chinese virus or any other temporary action, they are finally rebelling against a system that has deprived them of their God given human rights and basic necessities of life. Ninety miles from us is the best example of what the left in this country want us to head towards, a Marxist hell hole that cannot be mended, only replaced. Capitalism and freedom make it easy for the ignorant to espouse socialism for the benefit of society when in fact, socialism destroys society be eating away at its soul. We saw this happen with Venezuela where the people revolted then were put down by force because only by force can a dictatorship maintain its power over its slaves. The Cuban revolt cannot be calmed down, it will either be successful by totally dismantling the oppressive Communist system or it will be put down as Venezuela was and others have been in history. It's time to stand with the Cuba people for the freedom they so rightly and justly demand or sit by the sidelines and watch this continued tragedy unfold before us. Words will not change the actions on the ground. It's time to take a stand, Viva Cuba Libre!
* Speech:
There's a reason why freedom of speech is the 1st amendment to our Constitution, without it, a society cannot itself be free! The 1st amendment states as follows: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." When the media becomes a propaganda arm of one political party and they are aided by the deep state and big tech giants, freedom of speech can be cancelled and censored as we saw during the 2020 elections. What used to be an "October Surprise" which would upend an election, in 2020 the October Surprise was the silencing of information and voices that were contrary to the opinion of the powers that manage the public's information. By doing so, big tech, the MSM and the deep state changed the outcome of a presidential election and endangered our Republic as a result. Only through curtailing this power and returning to a truly open public forum, where differences are tolerated, can we save what is left of this last best hope for man on Earth!
Any device for controlling the flow of liquid from a bureaucratic butt pipe, or the like, by opening or closing an orifice; tap; crock.
When an overpaid, self-proclaimed, scientific marvel funds a lab to enhance a virus, just because he can, then lies about it, that is FAUX-SHITs. When a self promoting, height challenged, hoarse, power-hungry Hedge Hog feeds his FAUX-SHITs desires, that's FAUX-SHIT's.
Beware, the DELTA WAVE is coming, don't believe the FAUX-SHITs!
* Tyranny:
JoeBama and his foolish co-conspirators laugh off our Constitution's second amendment to justify their need to abolish it. They aim to overturn it for the protection of the tyranny that it was meant to defend against. Our founding fathers knew that as a last resort, an armed citizenry is what separates a free society from domination and tyrannical rule. JoeBama says during the time of the birth of our nation you couldn't go down the street and buy a cannon just like today you can go down the street and buy nuclear weapons which is what it would take to overthrow the government. Between medications it seems the old fool has been fed some stupid ideas and is now running, I mean, hobbling with them. When government and politicians exceed the authority vested in them by the people through the ballot box, what's the remedy when the ballot box itself is compromised as it was in 2020? That was the genius of our founding documents. It doesn't take nuclear weapons, it takes a free people to have had enough. Hopefully it will never get that bad but unfortunately we are heading in that direction!
* Deep-State-Day:
Deep-State-Day, otherwise known as January 6th, it was a turning point for how far the left will go to usurp power. Anyone with an IQ above their shoe size can see that the only way a bumbling old political hack whose only claim to fame is his uncanny ability to plagiarize could be elected president of the United States was through fraud. We saw it live, we saw the flip of the lead from November 3rd to the 4th through ballot dumps and machine manipulations but half of the country, aided by a cheer leading fake media, chose to close their eyes and look the other way. It was clear, the fix was in. The drooling, creepy fool who didn't campaign and hid in his basement could now become what he failed to be when he was coherent, president. That world turned upside down was to be officially declared on January 6th by the acceptance of the electoral votes from the states. The only thing standing in it's way was the legitimate objections to the fraud. The deep state, including FBI 'agents', couldn't chance that, they had a backup plan, the de-legitimization of Trump supporters through a coordinated attack on our Capitol. It is finally coming to light what many have been saying from the beginning, the fake 'insurrection' was organized, engineered and allowed to happen in order to derail the challenge to the electoral count, the ends justified the means, it was a Marxist ploy and it worked. Take a look at the evidence, thousands of antifa and blm rioters who burned, looted killed are running free while 400 protesters from January 6th are still in jail. So called unindicted co-conspirators from January 6th are running free, their mission accomplished. They were the deep state players that managed the show and hoodwinked the country. Their handlers along with the propaganda media continue to stoke the flames of racial division blaming their imaginary white supremacist foes as a distraction to their treasonous acts. In the end, the facts will eventually see the light of day, it's starting now, as Winston Churchill once said, "The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is."
* CRT:
Critical Race Theory is just another way the left divides and manipulates to gain political power. It is one of the methods that can and is being used to indoctrinate a generation into believing that their country is inherently racist and therefore needs to be changed. The key is who will be doing the changing and to what will it change into. On its face the theory is preposterous and can only be sold to the ignorant or gullible amongst us. Marxists since the 1960's have been saying that the defeat of the United States would come from within, through our own education system and within our own structure. That 'plan', a slow and meticulous undermining on our institutions and family structure is playing out today in the progressive, communist, democrat world. The ramming of their failed ideologies down our throats is the game plan. With the assistance of the propaganda media, the woke and cancel culture supported by big tech, the stars are aligning for the left's clown show. Unfortunately for them, if their processes work, the very framework that allows their stupidity to survive will crumble around them. The beauty of our founding was that it was based on natural law, God's law, not man's. Our system, if we can defend it and protect it, will unravel the nightmare we see happening around us. It's as predictable as night following day and day follows night. The clash will come, and if we can hold our ground, good will triumph over evil. If our system was as bad as these fools preach, there wouldn't be millions of people from all over the world literally dying to get here. It's time to get back to basics, to our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to God's law. There is no systemic racism in our country and there is no systemic racism in the white race. The ones that constantly talk color are the ones that are racist, for it's their bias and anger that divides us. It's time to revisit our founding documents and strengthen our beliefs to fight off the onslaught of stupidity we are living through. Common sense will prevail if we defend it, and God willing, we will endure!
* Threat:
According to JoeBama, the biggest threat facing America today are 'white supremacists'. He says they are more dangerous than ISIS or Al-Qaida. JoeBama also believes in the boogie man and unicorns. Remember last summer of love when 'white supremacists' were burning, looting, killing and rioting in the streets? Nor do we, but JoeBama seems to. While in his romper-room basement last year he must have eaten some led paint chippings while picking through the scraps of his snacks that had fallen off his bib. No JoeBama, it wasn't 'white supremacists' it was your friends, the blm and antifa Marxist and fascists that wrecked havoc in support of your campaign of anarchy and division. The only way your appointment to the presidency could have come about was through violence and fraud assisted by the backing of the China virus introduced to the world by you buddies on which you and your family are beholden. No Mr. JoeBama, the biggest threat facing America is not 'white supremacists', it is you!
* Memorial Day:
On this Memorial Day weekend we remember the sacrifices our military has made through the years, and continues to make today. We mourn those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us free. At the same time, we celebrate that such men and women lived. Freedom is not free. Let us not disgrace their sacrifice by giving away the freedom they gave their lives for!

* Stupidity:
Contrary to democrats and the loony left's saying America has systemic racism, the only thing that's systemic is the stupidity of the left itself. There is not one policy that they espouse that is logical or coherent on its face. Peace was flowering in the Middle East under Trump but that didn't sit straight with the left because dividing people by nationality, color and income is where they derive their power. The left sides with the terrorists Hamas because in doing so they benefit from the turmoil, when in fact their policies brought the turmoil on to begin with. The appeasement of Iran and funding of the Palestinian government gave them a green light to proceed because, in the end, the world would turn against Israel for defending itself against terrorists using children as their human shields. When it comes to energy, one of JoeBama's first executive orders was to shut down the XL Pipeline, crippling our energy independence, while at the same time lifting Trump's sanctions on Russia's pipeline to Germany. What's the logic in that? It can only be described as the democrat's inherent and system stupidity, the same one that condoned rioting, looting and killing for months in 2020 by blm and antifa communists but condemns their made up 'insurrection' of January 6th. They ridicule Trump's border wall, stop building it, promise illegals amnesty then wonder why they are poring over the border en masse. It's stupidity on steroids. JoeBama's policy of continuing to pay people more to stay home than to work is further crippling small businesses across the country while at the same time they wonder why the unemployment numbers are so bad, another sign of their system stupidity. Democrats best work is down when they do noting at all, for it's through their actions that chaos is born!
* Israel:
President Trump had the Iranians in check and peace breaking out between Israel and its Arab neighbors. JoeBama enters office and suddenly the tables are turned 180 degrees. He snubs the Israeli prime minister then cozy's up to the Iranian terrorist ayatollahs. Puts the disastrous Iran nuclear deal back on the table, reverses Trump's sanctions on Iran and gives the Palestinian Authority millions of dollars. What could go wrong? Now we see the results in the streets of Israel. With Iran's backing, Hamas has been indiscriminately shelling civilian areas in Israel for maximum impact because they know they'll have the backing of the Harris administration along wit the condemnation of Israel by the UN. Leftist loonies criticize Israel for ethnic cleansing even though Israel has Arabs living peacefully in Israel yet there isn't the equivalent happening in Palestinian territories. Now even Arabs in Israel are rioting. JoeBama sent the money and signals, the rockets followed as expected. President Trump was on the right path, peace cannot come to those who do not want it. Trump choose to bring peace to those that did, and by doing so, would eventually bring the remaining Arabs to accept it. JoeBama's method of appeasement is the same old tried and failed policy that brings bloodshed and despair. Just like in other areas, failure cannot be changed by trying the same foolish processes over and over. We either stand wholeheartedly with our friend Israel or we fail miserably with our enemies, Iran and Hamas!
* JoeBama:
Even creepy Joe supporters know he's not all there, the question is, who is running the show? We know that Harris couldn't win a race for dog catcher, even if she was the only one running, so who is it? Let's start with who selected Harris for Joe to begin with, it was Obama. Biden's far left policies are a continuation of what Obama's would have been in a third term. Obama himself said if he could pull the strings and stay out of the lime light he would love a third term. The bulk of people Biden surrounded himself with are the same losers Obama had in his administration. After Trump's great progress in the Middle East with peace deals between Arabs and Jews we are now seeing an administration that is turning its back on Israel and cozying up to Iran, a continuation of Obama's failed and dangerous policies. At every turn the demented one is just a front, the curtain if you will, for the man pulling the strings, it is Barrack Obama's third term. So poor Joe, it's not Yo Mama, it's JoeBama. Dems, the MSM and JoeBama keep saying there is systemic racism in America, but it's the racist divide they seek that gives them power, by dividing, they conquer. The only systemic thing around here is the systemic stupidity in their arguments and policies. As we deal with the BIG LIE of the 2020 election, the radical move towards Marxism and open borders, there's always the entertainment factor of watching JoeBama and wondering, when will the strings break?
* Farce:
The definition of Farce is: "Foolish show; mockery; a ridiculous sham." That's what comes to mind when watching Biden's 'address' to a joint session of nobody last night. His presidency is a farce, it should have never been, it is a ridicules sham, the problem is , the sham is doing irreparable harm to our nation. Let's take the foolish mask mandates that were in reality a control mechanism to insure the compliance of the general public to the 'new normal'. The House chamber, which is capable of holding over a thousand people, had approximately 200 'vaccinated' people, all wearing masks. Why? If the 'vaccine' is such a wonder drug why do you still need to wear a mask? Could it be to mask the total sham administration of the demented one? Creepy Joe went on to take credit for things like the economy which the only thing he and his left cabal had anything to do with was to tank it with the un-constitutional lock downs in the first place. He ranted about his priority of a jobs program with the liberal encrusted infrastructure spending which in fact is a pork laden government spending spree. One that will be paid for by the very people they pretends to want to help. It's not new, it's the same liberal song and dance that fails every time it's tried, yet they keep trying. Like Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." The puppet talks unity while he authorizes his injustice department to attack his opponents. President Trump's lawyer Giuliani, and his associates, were raided by the formerly capable FBI in a political power grab reminiscent of Stalin's Soviet Union. This is what this has come too, an open attack on our country from within, aided by the Chinese on whom Biden is beholden, a total farce. God help us!
* Power:
For the radical left, which is now the mainstream democrat party, it's not just about power anymore, it's about absolute power. They have control of the house, the senate and, by way of voter fraud, the white house, but that's not enough. In a logical world, that amount of political control should make them happy but it doesn't because they are soulless angry people intent on dividing Americans into groups, labeling us and controlling us through those labels. They are 'woke' to the point of stupidity, they cancel 'happy' because it's not in their nature. How dare you go about your business without our approval. They are the antithesis of everything this great country stands for, everything our founding fathers enshrined at the birth of this great experiment in liberty and self rule. The Magna Carta took power from government and gave it to society, our Constitution went further and took it from society and gave it to the individual. It is our God given individual human rights that separates our system from all others in the world, it is this individual right that the left abhors because through this liberty and freedom comes their demise. They fear it, it is their nemesis. To achieve their goals they need anarchy, hence the riots, to rule they need absolute power. They are not happy because they see the end coming, though they have power now they can't keep it, their over reach will be their undoing. In God We Trust!
* Knee-Jerks:
Anyone who doesn't rely solely on the fake news propaganda media, as their only source of information, has seen this for a long time, but now it's gotten laughable. You can predict, as day follows night, and night follows day, that the knee-jerk reaction to any killing or shooting of innocents is going to cause the same reaction, it's white supremacists, insurrectionists and run away guns at it again. Unfortunately for these morons, the last two instances have shown them out for what they are, knee-jerks. Actions drive reactions but they shouldn't drive instant analysis without looking at the facts first, but for these fake news talking heads and politicians intentionally abusing their power, the mental reaction surpasses logic. They speak before they think, it's an automatic dribble of the same nonsense time after time. In the recent Colorado shooting, after the dust settled and their dribble subsided, it wasn't a white supremacist, an insurrectionist or simply a white person, it was a Syrian immigrant. As soon as that became known the white gun bashing crowed changed the subject, nothing to see here. The killing of a capitol police officer by a nation of Islam Farrakhan follower drew the same response. As the Biden inflicted crisis on our southern border continues to spiral out of control, the demented one, with president Harris at his side, lies about gun control. With the help of their media allies they change the subject, ignore the invasion and human crisis on the border and show their intent of taking guns away from law abiding citizens. It's what they do, they demagogue, they pander, they cheat and they steal. They are the knee-jerks!
* Fooled:
The Harris-Creepy-Joe administration, along with Blinky and Chucky, managed to pass the Covid Relief Bill, $1.9 Trillion, that's $1,900,000,000,000.00, where only 9% actually went to Covid relief, that is fooling the American people with plenty of help from the MSM. Now they have the $2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill where most of it goes to dem waste, should be called the Green New Infrastructure Deal, fooled again. The spending frenzy is not an accident, it's a means to their ends. It's open borders on steroids, their man made crisis is not a crisis to them, it's part of the plan to cripple and enslave us to the global masters that are to come. It's bending to the will of those who control the demented one, Chinese and global order Marxists. The stolen election in November 2020 was not a minor vote discrepancy here or there, it was a well planned cyber and manned attack on our election system. A once pillar of our Constitutional Republic was symbolically pillaged in November. A once great Republic now lays in ruins, in control by the very clan that facilitated it's destruction. On this 2021 April Fools Day, we truly have been fooled!
* Trippy:
We still wonder why Doctor Jill Biden allowed her ailing husband, creepy-trippy Joe to run for president (we know she's not a medical doctor, just plays one of TV). Being as close to him as she is, she knew first hand that he was losing his faculties (if he ever had any). Why did she allow him to be humiliated during the campaign while his was slurping his pudding treats in his basement bunker? If she loves him and cares for him she wouldn't have allowed it, it's a sad tale manifesting itself in real life before the nation and the world. Our enemies are licking their chops and our friends are in dismay. Our White House is being controlled by a rag tag team of leftist loonie tunes intent on bringing on their Kum-ba-yah utopian dream of a world without borders where we all sit around a commie campfire and roast Marshmallows. Unfortunately they are ignorant of history, following failures of the world they seek, while at the same time erasing the history of the great country they live in. It's ironic but it's today's reality. We are living in a lefty twilight zone where up is down and left is right, but in reality they re wrong and history will right itself. In the end, when you wash away the madness, what is left are facts. We just wonder how much more damage Mr. Trippy will impose before his final trip into oblivion!
* Failed:
We failed! Suppose the China virus overblown propaganda scare was, instead of a health question, one of a political nature. And suppose that instead of our collective health we had to succumb to the same draconian measures for our security, would we voluntarily surrender our rights as we did this past year? When government tells you what to wear, is that a violation of you rights? Do you have to wear a face covering? When the government puts you under house arrest simply because they can, do you comply? When government tells you and your church that you are not to worship together, are they in violation of the 1st amendment? When government shuts down your business without you having violated any laws, would you go out of business and comply? This past year, we failed, we fell for the overreach of government under the guise of fighting off a virus whose lethality, under strict definition of causing death, was no more deadly than a bad flu year. In the case of Covid-19 we surrendered our rights, we turned on each other, neighbor on neighbor, stranger on stranger, family on family, we grew weaker, our government masters grew stronger. In the case of Covid-19, we failed, but would we roll over the same way if it were strictly for political power and not for our own "protection"? A government that has proven that it can get away with usurping the Constitution for what it deems to be in our best interest can do anything with that power they so choose. They could also keep it for as long as they wanted. Don't count on the courts, they failed as well, from authoritarian state to totalitarian state is but a small step, from socialism to communism is the same. We just had a test, probably the most important civic test of our lives. We failed!
* 1st-Amendment:
The 1st Amendment of the Constitution reads as follows: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The China virus disaster has brought about a direct attack on this paramount amendment aided by a leftist media that has in a sense enabled the infringement that this amendment was meant to protect against. Free exercise of religion has been impeded by lockdowns and social distancing mandates that have overstepped the power given to government by the Constitution itself. Freedom of speech is being attacked by tech giants as they censor, suspend or cancel voices they disagree with, while the MSM carries their water. Freedom of the press is fine as long as it's press the left agrees with, otherwise they will marginalize and even try to ban media outlets telling a different story. With the left's attacks on our freedoms and a largely propaganda press on their side, coupled with control of the house, senate and executive, dark days are ahead. The partisan China virus relief bill. of which an estimated 9% of the $1.9 TRILLION goes to actual relief. is a prime example of how bad it can get while the MSM sings it's praises and future generations are left to pay. Meanwhile back in the White House basement the demented one slurps his pudding and smells his finger tips, after his latest scratch and sniff treat of the day!
* Prison-Pelosi:
What was once a beautiful Capitol is now a heavily guarded Prison-Pelosi complex. After the obvious stolen election and subsequent coverup by the left, and their media accomplices, January 6th was the day the American people were going to finally see the evidence. What could possibly go wrong? We all know now that the evidence was not allowed to be seen because of the orchestrated Capitol 'siege'. There are more questions than answers about that day and the events that unfolded. What is clear though is who the beneficiaries were and who was blamed for it. That alone tells us a lot about what really happened and what circumstances led up to it. Why was national guard help turned down by warden Pelosi's office before the Trump rally on the 6th? Why weren't there any antifa or blm counter protests or attacks as there had been at all the other Trump events? Why was this the only time Trump supporters were not peaceful? Just like we find out responsibility by following the money, in this case, we can find the culprits by seeing who benefited. January 6th has now become the left's rallying cry to deflect from the damage that's being done to our republic by the hands of the demented one and warden Pelosi's house of ill repute. Scare mongering works best when you have a demon to point to, in this case, the demon lies within the razor wire of the Capitol, now known as, Prison-Pelosi!
* Hypocrisy:
I wonder if the lamestream media actually believe the crap they put out or if they are that stupid. As most, if not all of them are stricken by Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), with no vaccine in sight, it's not hard to see their bias on a daily basis. Creepy Joe's authoritarian immigration policies seek to undermine our borders and thereby our country. When Trump was in power his goal on immigration was simple, protect and strengthen our borders and welcome legal immigrants to our country. Biden's is the opposite, tear down the wall, stop deportations and welcome illegal immigrants thereby undermining the legal ones and American citizens in the process. When Trump was in power, the deranged media celebrated pictures of kids in cages and blamed Trump, even though those pictures were from the Obama days. Now new pictures of kids in cages have been shown and instead of 'kids in cages' they are now kids going through reunification programs and being socially distanced due to Covid-19. Hypocrisy, stupidity, lamestream media in a nutshell. For anyone willing to see, they are a joke, fools with mics, a waste of time!
* Two-Branches:
The supreme court has just nullified the judicial branch of government. After November 3rd, when it was obvious that in certain states, votes were manipulated and election laws were thwarted, the courts failed. Many lower courts refuse to accept cases because they said the arguments should have been made 'before' the election if election rules were in question. Then came Texas backed by twenty states suing Pennsylvania for disenfranchisement. The supreme court refused to take the case because, according to their warped reasoning, Texas didn't have standing. According to the constitution, the only court that can hear a case of one state against another is the supreme court. That case was never heard. Would it have been better if a state took up arms against another? That's what that provision in the constitution was meant to prevent! Another Pennsylvania case, that of the unconstitutional changes to their election laws, changes made without the legislature amending the constitution, was put on the supreme court docket after November 3rd and before the electoral votes were counted on November 6th. Now the supreme court refused to take the case because they say there is no 'remedy'. In other words, cases before the votes were counted weren't good because there was no victim and cases now are no good because it's to late to help the victim. Look up stupid and I'm sure you'll see a picture of the supreme court there. A former equal branch of government that has now taken itself out of the running. They are but another building in DC where justice was done!
* Rush:
What's left to say that hasn't been said already? Rush was truly a one of a kind. He pointed out the truth behind the fog of lamestream media madness he so eloquently fought everyday. He brought his unique perspectives to issues and made them easier to comprehend. With humor and levity he made all of us the better for having shared a part of our day with him. In his absence, before his last breath had left the room, demented leftists was already trashing him. There are no words to explain the ugliness and hate that fill the hearts of todays socialists left. They are truly miserable human beings and not worth the time of day. Rush's life and inspiration will live on forever. He lit a fire that will never be extinguished, a fire that will burn forever in our hearts. Our sincere sympathies to his family and friends and all those who came to love him as, El Rushbo. May God bless Rush Limbaugh!
* Fumigation:
What the sham impeachment 2.0 has done, besides wasting time and distracting from the stolen election, is shine some light on the cockroaches. Like in an infested kitchen (or congress) when you shine a light on these creatures they scatter. This latest unconstitutional impeachment did just that, not necessarily on the left afflicted with TDS, but rather the RINO's. It has caused these disloyal pretend conservatives to show their true colors. Remember these names: Romney, Toomey, Burr, Cassidy, Murkowski, Sasse, Collins, McConnell and Haley. They are turncoats, they turned on Trump, on our Constitution and on us. That's the good that has come out of this sham, the baggage is being shed, the fumigation has begun!
* Spineless:
Republicans know how to surrender, whether in defeat or victory. Like a school yard kid that allows himself to be bullied, just to be liked, they'll surrender their soul if they had too. When it comes to standing up to the mad left, spineless wonders like Romney, roll over. It's incredible that at one point we actually backed this fool for president. Now he's a darling of the left and the media for his attacks on Trump and by extension on us. This unconstitutional impeachment is a joke, it's a distraction from the stolen election and the massive authoritarian executive orders by the demented one. A hypocritical exercise in delusion and illusion. Rather than stand up to the obvious stupidity of the left, RINO's like Romney, pander to avoid cancellation. If they only had an ounce of the spirit that Rep. Marjorie Greene has it would be a different ballgame, but then again, they have no cojones!
* TDS:
Stop the presses, the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) vaccine is a bust. A stolen election in 6 key states in order to inoculate those afflicted by this serious malady has shown significant signs of failure. Those suffering have been seen marching in the halls of congress carrying impeachment documents from the out-house to the senate. The deeply afflicted include those who can't tell a Chinese spy from a stray kitten and would be completely lost without a boogie man to attack. Even intensive executive order treatment has failed. It is also rumored that the massive military presence around the Capitol is not to keep people out but rather to keep these poor fools from escaping and hurting themselves. Stay tune for future updates…
* Misdirection:
Like children distract from the mess they made, democrats distract from the mess they're making. Attacking Republicans like Marjorie Greene is a way of distracting from the obvious actions of their own representatives. The wreck less squad of malcontents are particularly good at this ploy. How dare Republicans question the election, after all, dead voters and illegal voters have always voted Democrat! A planned leftist led attack on the Capitol, that's nonsense, even though it started before president Trump spoke and was planned ahead of time, don't let that fool you, it was Trump's fault! So let's impeach him again, let's remove from office someone who is not in office. Misdirection is what this is all about. Since the lame stream media and big tech have their back, Demorats can get away with a lot for now, but the time will come when their house of cards will come crashing down upon them!
* Stupidfrogs:
Just like the proverbial frog in the pot of boiling water, the heat is now being turned up. The China virus was part of the process to let our guard down, all for the sake of our health. We sacrificed rights, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, voluntary home confinement, but for what? It was all part of the plan that is being accelerated now. We have become accustomed to giving in, to turning on each other. If your mask slips down at the grocery store you stared at like you have the plague, if you dare not wear one you are a sheeple run astray and must be brought back into the flock. The virus enabled years of turning up the heat, the slow dumbing down of education through systematic propaganda of the left. It's no longer socialists in hiding, it's now fashionable to be an in your face Marxist. Your free speech and history be dammed, it is time to turn up the heat. The staged 'insurrection' on January 6th was a catapult into the next stage where Trump supporting patriotic Americans will be 'hunted' down and excuses will be made to take our guns. After all, aren't we a danger to society and that utopian Marxist ideal? The game plan is obvious, we see it coming but the question remains, what we are going to do about it?
* Shadow:
By the makeup of the O'Biden administration it is clearly looking more and more like Obama 2.0, the real power behind the curtain, in the shadow. The transformation he promised is taking place before our eyes. The anarchy we witnessed last year was part of the plan. The China virus was also, a means to tame the sheeple into submission, a way to bring down the best economy the world had seen, a way to an ends. Making villains of half the population, destroying freedom of speech and attacking anyone who dare speak out about it, it was all part of the plan. A razor wire protected empty inauguration of a demented basement dweller whose only function now is to read a teleprompter and sign on the dotted line. These are the dark days most of us spoke of. Set these troubles aside and keep your faith in God, for through it all, He will lead us into the light!
* Distraction:
As O'Biden's hypocritical executive orders continue unabated, the silence of the 'lambs' is deafening. Creepy Joe's record breaking first week of executive orders just goes to show that he cannot, even with the congress in democrat hands, get his radical policies passed. They are a way of dictating tyrannical orders to appease the socialist left, like Churchill's feeding the dragon so he'll eat you last. What we are witnessing on a massive scale is a political distraction like no other. Impeaching Trump for something he didn't do or say after a pre-planed faux riot. An incursion aided by marxist antifa and blm, in order to circumvent evidence of election fraud from seeing the light of day. Fueled by the propaganda media, an attack on free speech is in full swing. How dare anyone mention the election, can't you see O'Biden is the anointed one? With their first resolution in the new house socialist dems are even attempting to cement their illegal voting scheme into federal law to keep their unbridled power in perpetuity. Another distraction from the truth, but the truth about the selective fraud in the key states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan will eventually get out, because in the end, it's always the truth that is left standing. If republicans can find the backbone and cojones they lacked when they betrayed president Trump, the American people and themselves then, God willing, we can right the ship of state!
* O'Biden:
What a difference a stolen election makes! The reincarnation of the failed Obama administration is forming like a who's who of intellectual dim-wits at a COVID-19 prom. One thing you can say about these leftist-socialist is they never get tired of trying stupid. Like Lucy pulling the ball away from Charlie Brown, they just keep trying. Unfortunately, they are not cartoons, you can't just turn them off. They actually do harm. In between O'Biden's pudding breaks he signs executive orders intent on erasing Trump's legacy and rolling back all the progress that was made in the last four years. Here are just a few of the misguided policies that are sure to cost more than what they are sold as: A national $15 minimum wage that will cost jobs and further cripple small businesses trying to survive the China virus scam shutdown and lockdowns. Re-entering the Paris Climate Accords which will cost us billions at the global warming alter of idiocy. Sweet talking the Palestinians in order to return to the failed approaches of the past, while turning a cold shoulder to the successful Abraham Accords, real lunacy in action. Ordering a halt to illegal deportations by ICE. Ordering a halt to securing our borders. Halting oil and gas on federal lands and cancelling the XL Pipeline. The list goes on and will continue to destroy any gains that have been made during the successful Trump administration. Moral of the story, be careful what you steal, you will have to pay for it in the end!
* Freedom:
Freedom is not free! When it comes to the presidential election, our worst nightmare has come true. A senile 78 year old, 47 year swamp creature, who's only accomplishments have been enriching his family through corrupt influence deals, has been crowned president. A creepy, hair sniffing, basement dwelling puppet of the left is now the most powerful man in the world, how can that be? Anyone with an open mind knows that what we are witnessing can't just happen on its own. There's no way a person who never got very far in running for president since 1988 all of a sudden got more votes than anyone in history, by far. There's no way that someone who didn't really campaign but rather hid in his basement, and when he did get out, his handlers couldn't pay people to come to his events, that he could win against the red wave that did occur on November 3rd. How could Biden get more black votes in the swing states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin than Obama did in 2012 but not in the other democrat states? That's not a fluke, that's more evidence of the fraud we just witnessed. All the powers that Trump was fighting against colluded in this farce. It was a coup in broad daylight by the socialist democrats, the propaganda MSM, the censoring social media giants, the deep state through the senior executive service (SES) and establishment republicans, RINO's, whose existence depended on the betrayal of Trump. The republican party let president Trump down when it came to defending him and standing up to the fraud. They let the American people that stood for the greatness that America represents down. They let themselves down! It's time to clean house, to build upon the ruins of what was once a proud Grand Old Party (GOP) and start anew. A new party, the FREEDOM party. One based on our constitution and the principles there laid. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Life starting at conception, liberty because without it we have nothing, it spawns freedom and pursuit of our own individual happiness, whatever that is for each of us, not what the government tells us it must be. A FREEDOM party that seeks the best of our God given potential, the very fabric our nation was founded on. A colorless society of patriotic Americans whose goals are individually equal to their desired potential. A great America that Trump envisioned and can be for every American. May God Bless America!
* Cover:
Where were the antifa and blm thugs on January 6th? Where were the counter protests that they always arrange during Trump rally's? There weren't any separate counter protests because they were the violent protests! They were there before the Trump rally crowds showed up dressed as Trump supporters, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that, then why can't the socialist and their media clowns see it? Because it doesn't fit their narrative, it would make them look like the fools that they are. Besides the leftist instigated, capitol police assisted, breach of the capitol intent to distract from the election fraud it had another intention, and it succeeded. It kept the evidence of voter fraud from finally being shown to the American people by bypassing the MSM filter. The Joint session would be televised for all to see what the courts refused to. The assisted breach was just what the doctor ordered. Even though the lefts assault on the capitol was pre-planned they still managed to blame Trump for inciting an impromptu event, how can that be? You can get away with it when you have the propaganda media and high tech sensors on your side, and that's what they did. They silenced free speech, they silenced the president, they silenced America. Joined by spineless republicans and RINO's they got away with it. They even got away, for now, with an unconstitutional impeachment, another distraction. The cover was also for a Biden inauguration which would have as many people as Biden's rally's, enough to play a game of checkers. Now the creepy basement dweller can say that there was no one at the inauguration because they were afraid of Trump supporters storming the capitol again. This would be a laughable joke if it wasn't so serious. We are seeing the most blatant in your face coup in the history of the world. What a shame!
* Distraction:
All summer long leading up to the election we saw riots by anarchists antifa and blm while the dems and MSM called them 'peaceful protests'. Buildings and cars burning in the background while they defended the indefensible destruction of property and lives. All in the name of 'justice', but justice for whom? Was there justice for black Americans when a black American business is destroyed? When a black retired police officer is murdered protecting his friend's business? All that was condoned and encouraged by the socialist democrat party, social media tyrants and the propaganda MSM. Then we get to January 6th when the fraudulent election was being certified in congress. Hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters gather to show their support for President Trump and peacefully protest the stolen election. President Trump encourages them to "peacefully let your voices be heard." While he was saying this, antifa thugs where getting in place to turn the peaceful protest into a storming of the capitol. Video's show Trump supporters stopping antifa members from some of their destruction and chanting 'no antifa'. Some Trump supporters were drawn into the fray and did cross the line. Those that did need to pay the price but it should in no way diminish from the thousands of patriotic Americans that stood up for their rights and peacefully assembled on that cold winter day. Yesterday the socialist led house of reprehensibles voted to impeach president Trump again, this time on a made up charge of instigating a riot when he actually did the opposite. All dems and 10 RINO's voted for this sham impeachment number 2. At a time when congress should be working to bring the American people together they are doing the opposite, stoking the fire and alienating even more people. This sham impeachment is not about an honest charge it's a distraction from the fraudulent election before us. They have changed the subject but they can't stop the facts from getting out. Everyday more information surfaces of the illegal votes tallied in the election and the unconstitutional way in which six states changed their election rules and threw away election integrity in order to defraud the American people. We are headed for some dark times but remember that it's always darkest before the dawn!
* Tyranny:
When opposition is not allowed there is tyranny. When opposing points of view are silenced, there is tyranny. What big tech is doing with the encouragement and aid of the socialist democrat party is tyrannical. They are shutting down the means by which conservatives can communicate. They are strangling free speech, the first amendment of the constitution be dammed. Twitter and Facebook banned president Trump and other conservative voices, Google and YouTube are doing their part . As people were starting signing up for Parler, an alternative to Twitter, Amazon who hosts Parler's servers shut down their hosting thereby knocking Parler offline. This is not just political disagreements, these are the acts of tyrannical regimes, these high tech oligarchs not only censored information critical to creepy Joe Biden, they are in essence Nazi book burners. We all know the election was stolen with foreign and domestic interference, we also know that spineless politicians let it happen. If these people can take it this far now, while president Trump is still the president, what do you think they'll be brazen enough to do if president Trump leaves office? There's still hope that the president will invoke the executive order he signed in 2018 and take control before it's too late. The leftist tyrants with their foreign accomplices will not settle for being in power, their goal is to never again give up that power. That is why they are shutting down their opposition. That's what communist dictators do. They come into power, either through force or through a rigged political process, then they cement their power by eliminating their opposition and the opposition's ways of communication. This is not a surprise, it was inevitable if left unchecked. They time of reckoning is near!
* Common-Sense:
Jumping to conclusion can make fools out of anyone. The media is very experienced at this art, specially when it coincides with their hypocritical view of the world. All summer we saw antifa and blm riots burn down inner cities, destroy police cars and precincts and loot stores while being told that these were 'peaceful protests'. At all the Trump rally's what we saw were actual peaceful gatherings and the only violence was when, under the cover of night, antifa and blm thugs would corner Trumps supporters and attack them. Now turn to Wednesday, a large peaceful crowd gathered at Freedom Plaza to hear speakers and the president voice their disappointment with the stolen election. President Trump even said that after the event they were going to go to the capitol grounds in a show of peaceful disagreement. Never were those present asked to storm the capitol or do anything other than just show their support for the arguments that were to be made legally by those inside. Where were the antifa and blm thugs then? Were they harassing the Trump supports or were there just to many of them for the cowards to act? What then would be a way for them to disrupt the day, could it have been to instigate and agitate from within the frustrated Trump supporters to storm the capitol? Whenever taking a look at events like these it's always prudent to examine who benefits from any particular action and what actions are out of the norm? Trumps supporters are not violent and have not been all summer, even after the fraudulent election. Antifa and blm have been violent all along. Now with cover of the media, rinos and fools Trump and his supporters are made out to be evil. No more talk of the obviously stolen election even though over 75 million people were witness to the robbery, the robbers have gotten off and even elevated to authority. It's a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in when evil is allowed to prevail. The social media tyrants have been allowed to censor information and chose a president. They have even censored our president at a time when his voice was needed the most. That is not what America is about. It's time to walk away from facebook and twitter and their affiliates. To remain is to condone the tyranny. We live to fight on in the realm of ideas and policy for in the end, truth will prevail and facts will rule the day!
* Epiphany:
On January 6th we celebrate the Epiphany, the revelation of baby Jesus to the world. It is a special day for all Christians in the world. Will today also be known as the day America was saved from communism? Starting today we will find out if our representatives in congress will stand up for the oath they took to the Constitution and swore under God to uphold. We now know, as Einstein once said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." The Georgia senate runoff seems to have gone to the two socialists on the ballot giving the dems control of congress, if Biden's fraudulent election is allowed to stand. It's no surprise, the November 3rd election violated the constitution in Georgia, no changes were made to the election process so the same fraudulent results were going to happen yesterday, and they did. Insanity! It now comes down to Vice President Mike Pence and patriotic Republicans in congress. How many of them will do the right thing and stand up for justice and election integrity. If this fraud is allowed to stand our country will never be the same, it is that serious. We have reached the point of no return, you either stand with our founding fathers, liberty and the rule of law, or as Ronald Reagan said, "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
* Electoral-College:
It's interesting how the very people that have wanted to abolish the electoral-college now suddenly believe it's sacrosanct. There was a reason creepy Joe said that they had the most advanced fraud organization in history. They had figured out a way they could steal the election by just concentrating on the swing states that would turn the election in Biden's favor in the electoral-college. They didn't even have to steal all the precincts in the state, just the ones in the most populous democratically controlled counties/cities. According to the liberal Brookings Institution, President Trump won 2,547 counties in the country while Biden got just 509. Does that look like a blue wave to you? If cheating didn't take place those lopsided numbers would have been even worse for Biden. It's obvious from the magnitude of the numbers, the witnesses and evidence, that Trump won a decisive victory. The numbers on the evening of November 3rd told the story, Trump had an overwhelming lead that night, a lead that could only have been wiped out by fraud, as it was in the days to follow. Democrats found a way to discredit the electoral-college with their illegal vote dumps and fraudulent counts. Whichever way the final end game turns out, the electoral-college has been damaged. We now have seen that it can be manipulated by corrupt politicians. The only reason in this case that it's so obvious is that the fraud had to be, like Trump likes to say, 'UGE' to overcome his incredible victory. In a couple of days we will find out if Republican representatives and senators care more about the DC swamp club than they do about the constitution they swore to uphold!