By Gina Miller
Obama (or whatever his name is) seems to be trying
to out-do himself on terrible nominees. As of this
writing, Thomas Perez has not been officially
nominated as Secretary of Labor, but the word is out
that he is Obama’s choice. I know I should never say
“there could not be a worse choice,” because there
could always be someone worse, but it would
be tough to find a more anti-American, lawless
subversive than Thomas Perez.
Perez is currently an Assistant Attorney General of the “Civil Rights” Division in Eric Holder’s Department of “Justice” (DOJ), so he is already embedded in the system, but he does not hold a Cabinet-level position in the administration.
There has been a recent flurry of reporting on Perez, and on Tuesday, the DOJ Inspector General’s (IG) office released a report on the Civil Rights Division under Perez, which does not help his case. J. Christian Adams, who is a former DOJ attorney who helped expose the dirty dealings of Holder’s DOJ with respect to the deliberate mishandling of the 2008 New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case, wrote about the IG report on Tuesday at PJ Media:
The 250-page report offers an inside glimpse of systemic racialist dysfunction inside one of the most powerful federal government agencies.
The report was prepared in response to Representative Frank Wolf’s (R-VA) outrage over the New Black Panther voter intimidation dismissal. In response to the report, Rep. Wolf said today, the “report makes clear that the division has become a rat’s nest of unacceptable and unprofessional actions, and even outright threats against career attorneys and systemic mismanagement.”
In reading through several reports on Thomas Perez, I can give you a run-down on why the Senate should say “NO!” if Obama is crass enough to nominate him as Secretary of Labor. From the American Spectator column, “Thomas Perez Should be Blocked,” by Quin Hillyer, and the American Thinker column, “Obama to Nominate Sharia Supporter, Illegal Immigrant Advocate as Labor Secretary,” by Matthew Vadum, we learn all we need to know about Perez.
Mr. Hillyer describes Perez as “one of the most loathsome figures in the thoroughly loathsome political ranks of Obama’s Justice Department.” Mr. Vadum calls him an “in-your-face radical leftist lawyer.”
Thomas Perez, a self-described “progressive Democrat,” has fought tooth and nail against truly common-sense voter ID laws. He also fought Florida’s efforts to purge its voter rolls of non-citizens and other ineligible people. His department is responsible for the slow response in getting out voting ballots to our troops overseas.
Perez is fiercely pro-illegal alien and served as president of Casa de Maryland, a George Soros-Hugo Chavez-funded illegal alien advocacy group, about which Hans von Spakovsky wrote:
[Casa de Maryland is] an extreme advocacy organization that opposes the enforcement of our immigration laws. This group has encouraged illegal aliens not to speak with police officers or immigration agents; it has fought restrictions on illegal aliens’ receiving driver’s licenses; it has urged the Montgomery County Police Department not to enforce federal fugitive warrants; it has advocated giving illegal aliens in-state tuition; and it has actively promulgated “day labor” sites, where illegal aliens and disreputable employers openly skirt federal prohibitions on hiring undocumented individuals.
Perez is pro-Islamist. In his American Thinker piece, Mr. Vadum noted that under House Judiciary subcommittee questioning last year, Perez would not rule out bringing Islamic anti-“blasphemy” laws to the United States. Perez has also worked with the radical Islamic Society of North America, which has ties to terrorism.
Mr. Vadum also wrote:
[Perez] played a major role in enacting the Church Arson Prevention Act, legislation based on the false premise that black churches were being targeted with disproportionate frequency by arsonists.
Perez, now nominally the nation’s top civil rights enforcer at the Department of Justice, has an appalling track record at the DOJ and myriad unsavory associations.
He has targeted Maricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, for legal harassment because he doesn’t like Arpaio’s tough-on-crime approach, especially with respect to illegal aliens.
Under Perez, the DOJ has refused to prosecute hate crimes committed against white Americans.
Mr. Vadum goes on to mention the 2008 New Black Panther voter intimidation case. About that subject, Mr. Hillyer, in his American Spectator column, writes:
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there is the little matter of a federal judge hinting broadly that Perez may have committed perjury when testifying that there had been no interference by political appointees in the course of the Obama DoJ’s decision to drop already-won voter-intimidation cases against New Black Panthers in Philadelphia. This came after Perez also had, apparently unlawfully, refused to honor valid subpoenas from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights — and it was in addition to yet another falsehood by Perez, this one to the effect that DoJ had sought the maximum allowable penalty against the Panthers. And it is in addition to several other of Perez’s alleged falsehoods as recounted by noted whistleblower J. Christian Adams, who resigned in protest of them — most egregiously, to my mind, when Perez wrongly denied that anybody in his division had ever announced that Obama DoJ practice would be to avoid prosecuting certain types of cases or enforcing certain sections of voting laws.
While the original decision to dismiss the case pre-dated Perez’ appointment to the Justice Department, his direct involvement in, and hands-on management of, what amounted to a cover-up of the decision’s origins should alone be disqualifying for any Cabinet post.
That’s enough. We get it.
Thomas Perez is already a supremely bad choice for the position he currently holds in the “Justice” Department, much less as a candidate for promotion to Secretary of Labor.
Hey, Senate, if Obama is pig-headed enough to nominate Perez, you’d better tell “Big O” to take a big hike.