In God We Trust

Biden Reveals Deceitfulness of Admiistration On Iran

Iran: Vice President Joe Biden says that we have to go through with the Obama nuclear deal because Tehran can and will manufacture eight nukes if we don't. How many will it make if we do?

The Iranians "already have paved a path to a bomb's worth of material," Biden told the Washington Institute for Near East Policy on Thursday. In two or three months, Tehran could build as many as eight atomic warheads, Biden warned, applying a kind of shock therapy as he urged acceptance of the so-called deal.

It was a curious gun-at-our-heads argument, and far from what the Obama administration had been saying.

Back in November 2013, President Obama announced that Iran had agreed to nuclear talks, calling it "a new path toward a world that is more secure — a future in which we can verify that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful and that it cannot build a nuclear weapon."

Now comes Joe a year and a half later to tell us we're doing this deal because Iran can build a nuclear weapon. Eight of them, in fact.

Biden has exposed the fact that Obama, as on so many other things, wasn't being honest with us. These negotiations were never really about keeping nuclear weapons capability from the leading terrorist enabler in the world; they were about getting a deal, even if it meant settling for attempted containment of an inevitable Islamist nuclear power.

It echoes the old liberal policy in the 1970s and '80s toward the Soviet Union. Calling the USSR what it was, an Evil Empire, as Ronald Reagan did, was to liberals the language of warmongering. And undertaking, as Reagan put it in his June 1982 speech to the British Parliament, a "march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash-heap of history" was, to the left within American politics, an insane course of action.

No, the Soviets, with their 45,000 nuclear warheads, were going to be with us forever. Victory over communism was impossible; management of this monster was the only realistic course.

Reagan proved that victory was not only possible but also that it could be achieved without firing a shot. Had he not, how long would it have been before a nuclear war, like the one that came perilously close during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962?

Living under an agreement with Islamofascist Iran in which there would be, as Biden described it, "a breakout timeline of a year for at least a decade or more" is asking the world to sit on a time bomb and ignore the sound of the ticking.

Except this time, instead of the Soviets, we'd be dealing with a different brand of evil — a nuclear-armed adversary whose crazed, apocalyptic theology means it might be willing to suffer its own national nuclear destruction for the sake of incinerating Israel, or an American or European city.

In the face of such an evil, the free world must once again realize that victory, not containment, is the only feasible goal.