In God We Trust

Little B.O. Pea Story

By Luis Pages

Little B.O. Pea has lost his ship
And doesn't know where to find it.
Leave it alone and it'll come home,
Bringing the jobs behind it.
Little B.O Pea fell fast asleep
And dreamt he heard the ship moving,
But when he awoke, he found it a joke,
For the ship was all but sinking.
Then up he took his little group
Determined for to find the route.
He found it not indeed, but it didn’t make his heart bleed,
For the group left ruins behind them.
It happened one day, as B.O. Pea strayed
Into an economy hard to revive,
Then he espied the politicians on both sides
Left them hung on a tree to dry.
He heaved a sigh, and winked his eye,
And over the halls went rambling,
And tried what he could,
As a shepherd should,
To trick again each of his brood.