And the Lights of Reason All Went Out in Massachusetts
By Gina Miller
Many of you will remember the classic Bee Gees song, “(The Lights Went Out In) Massachusetts.” It was one of their early smash hits from the fall of 1967. That song immediately played in my mind when I read a December 12th email alert from Brian Camenker of Mass Resistance. He reported on what can only be described as an abominable piece of insanity. The Sunday front page story in the Boston Globe reported glowingly on a family with twin boys, one of whom believes he is a girl, and the boy’s parents are going to horrific lengths to encourage his delusion. A re-wording of the Bee Gees song could say that the lights of reason all went out in Massachusetts.
As you may know, Massachusetts is one of the big homosexual strongholds in the United States. That state was the first in the US to legalize homosexual “marriage” back in 2004. This was not done by the will of the people of Massachusetts, but by judicial fiat of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Other legal changes that accommodate the various types of homosexual behavior have been enacted in the state, including a so-called “transgender” civil rights and hate crimes bill that takes effect next year. Members of the state legislature are almost fully on board with the radical homosexual agenda.
The story in last Sunday’s Boston Globe is astonishing at every level. Even the title of the piece is all wrong: “Led by the Child Who Simply Knew,” as if the roles of parents and children have been reversed. Since when is a young child capable of leading his parents? This is a long feature story with two full pages inside the newspaper, and reading the story is extremely difficult, because of the sickening nature of it. These identical twin boys, named Wyatt and Jonas Maines, were similar in most ways, except that from a very young age, Wyatt wanted to be a girl.
long and short of it is that eventually the parents
put Wyatt under the “care” of a “doctor” who ended
up administering puberty-blocking drugs to him at
age 11, so that now, at age 14, he is five inches
shorter and fifteen pounds lighter than his
identical twin brother. This kind of sick, twisted
human experimentation would fascinate the Nazi
Dr. Mengele, who was especially interested in
identical twins.
Another awful part of this story is the fact that this boy, and others like him, are “treated” at a sub-clinic of Boston Children’s Hospital. As Mass Resistance’s Brian Camenker wrote,
“And the Boston Globe portrays all this as not only normal, but [as a] ground-breaking, progressive, positive event which only ignorant, hateful, and backwards people would dare to criticize.
Sex-change treatments for kids . . . in Boston Children’s Hospital!
Shockingly, the parents didn’t have to go to some far-away European country do this. These ghastly ‘procedures’ are being done to children by the elite medical establishment right in Boston.
As MassResistance has reported over the last few years, the world-renowned Children’s Hospital in Boston is at the forefront of this bizarre medical practice. The hospital has set up a ‘Gender Management Services Clinic’ for pre-adolescent children to be given hormones and drugs to delay puberty (with side effects that include infertility) in order to facilitate eventual body-mutilating ‘gender re-assignment surgery’ to change their sex. It is run by Dr. Norman Spack, who is personally working with young Wyatt and his family.”
On the clinic’s website is this cringe-inducing statement,
“The Gender Management Service (GeMS) Clinic at Children’s Hospital Boston is dedicated to providing care and support to infants, children, adolescents and young adults with gender identity disorder (GID) or disorders of sexual differentiation (DSDs).
… Our mission is to help children cope with the disconnect they may feel between the body and gender they were born with and the body and gender in which they identify. Therefore, we try to help them develop a body that is consistent with their identity.”
We have truly left the land of light and reason and have entered a dark and terrible place. Infants?! People who are doctors and who would do these kinds of things to little children should be locked up. This detestable, human “scientific” experimentation is born in the lowest orders of Hell. There is no other way to put it.
Many people have been desensitized by the relentless, aggressive radical homosexual movement’s flooding of our nation with its wicked propaganda. We have seen our school kids indoctrinated in it for many years now. We have seen Hollywood and the television and music industries embrace the doctrines of the militant homosexual agenda. We have seen our own government and military given over to homosexual mandates.
So, it has become harder for many people today to call a spade a spade when it comes to homosexuality and its various, perverse manifestations. It is not hard for me to put it plainly, although each time I do, the militant homosexuals come undone with anger and derision. They cannot stand it when someone tells the truth about the abomination that is homosexuality.
When we see stories like the one in the Boston Globe, we should understand that our nation is in a very dangerous place. We are “cruising for a bruising” as it were, because those of us who understand God’s thinking on such things know that God will not long put up with a society so demented as to embrace such barbaric treatment of the smallest among us. The degenerates of Sodom and Gomorrah did not even have this sort of evil “medical technology” at their disposal, and we know how it went down with them.
Not surprisingly, the Boston Globe story made no attempt whatsoever to provide any rational counterpoints to its narrative that this little boy’s treatment is anything but a wonderful example of modern progress. The story referred to the boy as a “she,” just like most of the “mainstream,” secular media outlets do when speaking of mentally and spiritually disordered people who believe they are the opposite sex.
On his post at the Mass Resistance site, Brian Camenker provided a number of examples of people who know the harmful effects of such folly. Among them, he quoted an excellent article from 2004 by Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Paul McHugh, in which Dr. McHugh states the obvious fact that people who believe themselves to be the opposite sex do not need to be supported in their delusion, but rather, need help in overcoming it. Mr. Camenker quoted the last paragraph, which nicely sums it up,
“I have witnessed a great deal of damage from sex-reassignment. The children transformed from their male constitution into female roles suffered prolonged distress and misery as they sensed their natural attitudes. Their parents usually lived with guilt over their decisions—second-guessing themselves and somewhat ashamed of the fabrication, both surgical and social, they had imposed on their sons. As for the adults who came to us claiming to have discovered their ‘true’ sexual identity and to have heard about sex-change operations, we psychiatrists have been distracted from studying the causes and natures of their mental misdirections by preparing them for surgery and for a life in the other sex. We have wasted scientific and technical resources and damaged our professional credibility by collaborating with madness rather than trying to study, cure, and ultimately prevent it.”
There is the bottom line, and Dr. McHugh’s entire piece is well worth the read.
There is no doubt, and never has been, that we should pray our hearts out for our nation and pray that the Lord will grant us a reprieve from our steady slide into the dark abyss of immorality and chaos. As stories like this one illustrate, we are a long way down that dangerous road, and far too many people have no clue of the danger we are in.
I will end my commentary here, although there is plenty more I could say. I could easily assault you with quotes from the Boston Globe column, such as where the author quoted the so-called “doctor” Spack as saying,
“We can do wonders if we can get them early.’’
But instead, I want to end with a message to you our listeners. This will be my last radio blog broadcast of the year, so I will not get to speak to you until the first week of January, if the Lord is willing. I want to thank you for your support, for listening and for your prayers for me. I have received emails from some of you, and it just blows me away to know that you are out there listening and offering prayers on my behalf. I cannot thank you enough for that.
As we head into this new, scary year, I pray the Lord will allow us to return some sanity to our government, first by kicking out this communist Obama administration and taking back the Senate, then by undoing some of the damage the communists have done.
And, finally, I pray you have a blessed and merry Christmas and the best New Year possible. May the Lord bless you and keep you!
Gina Miller, a native of Texas, is a radio commentator. She also works with her husband installing and repairing residential irrigation systems and doing landscaping on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.