America's Scariest Halloween
By Gina Miller
are still a few people left who, as adults, heard
the live broadcast of Orson Wells’ October 30, 1938
radio adaptation of H.G. Wells’ novel The War of
the Worlds. Most of us have only heard reruns
of this classic episode of
Mercury Theatre on the Air. It is the story
of a Martian invasion of our world, beginning in New
Jersey, and the way it was presented on Halloween
Eve 1938 reportedly caused some upset, even panic,
among listeners who missed the disclaimer at the
beginning of the program, because the news report
format used to present most of the story caused many
people to believe it was real.
We listen to this broadcast each year, because the legendary Ed Walker features it and several other spooky radio show staples on the Halloween edition of his weekly radio program The Big Broadcast (which is the only thing to which we would ever stoop to listen on a National Public Radio station, and listen online we do, each Sunday evening).
While listening to The War of the Worlds and the other spooky, old-time radio shows on Sunday night, it kept running through my mind that this will be the scariest Halloween in the history of the United States. I understand that many Christians shun this devilish holiday (an unholy day, in fact), but this Halloween, I can think of few things scarier than the prospect of the alien invasion of our government and nation “winning” on Election Day.
What “alien invasion”? Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) citizenship questions aside, our country’s government has been invaded by forces completely alien to America’s foundation, to the American way of life and to America’s future survival as a sovereign nation. This invasion did not occur suddenly with the installation of Obama in the presidency. This has been a stealth invasion, which has been occurring for most of the last century, but under this current administration, we have witnessed a ramping-up of dictatorial lawlessness on a scale not seen since the colonists broke away from King George III.
Whether it is the alien forces of communism or Islamism, both of which are fully represented in the Obama administration, we are on the brink of a disastrous cementing of this foreign power, if Obama “wins” reelection. I put wins in quotation marks, because I do not believe there is any way on Earth that Obama could possibly win in an honest election. I do not believe this arrogant fraud has enough support to overcome the deep hatred of his evil policies held by most right-thinking Americans.
Although I believe they are still in the minority, there will be a lot of stupid people who will vote for him. With the overwhelming evidence of his terrible record to show what a diabolical, anti-American, lawless man Obama is, there is no way to regard an Obama supporter as anything other than stupid, or stupidly like-minded with him. But, without a ton of election fraud, I am convinced there is simply no way he can win. That is quite scary—the possibility of election and voter fraud overcoming the true vote of the American people.
Of all the scandals and blatantly criminal actions of this administration, the unimaginable behavior of Obama and his minions in allowing the murder of our American Ambassador and three others in Benghazi, Libya is possibly the most evil to date. Compounding the horror of the likely preventable murders was the administration’s lying insistence that this was because of a stupid You Tube video. As more and more of the facts of what really happened come out, it is apparent that Obama deliberately allowed those men to be killed. Why? We may never be told, but whatever the reason, Obama belongs in prison for this and other crimes against our nation.
Now, we have this bizarre, late-season hurricane, which by the time this column is published, will have moved ashore in the New Jersey area. While we pray for the safety of those in the path of the storm, we cannot help but wonder what effect this might have on the election. What if large areas remain without power on Election Day? There are plenty of election-related problems that could occur in the wake of this storm. We will find out soon enough.
Meanwhile, even though most Americans cannot wait to vote this criminal fraud out of our White House, it remains that we are about to see the scariest Halloween, because it is near the eve of the scariest presidential election in American history. Our future freedom, our status as a sovereign nation, our Constitution (what little remains)—our nation is literally on the line here.
In the end of The War of the Worlds, although the Martians caused a huge amount of deadly destruction, they ultimately fell prey to earthly pathogens that their immune systems could not combat. So, when all hope seemed lost for the people of the Earth, the invading alien hordes were defeated, not by man’s power, but by divine providence, if you will.
Here in real life, our nation’s future is in God’s hands, as it has always been. The scariest thing of all is the fact that America has collectively turned its back on the Lord, and those of us of the American Christian remnant, who have eyes to see and ears to hear, understand that although He has great patience, the Lord will not indefinitely tolerate a rebellious people. We also know from the Bible that Satan’s forces are going to prevail globally for a season, so eventually darkness will dominate this nation; it is well on its way now.
Dark days are ahead for the world—the Bible is clear on this—but I still pray that the Lord grants this undeserving nation a reprieve from the seemingly inexorable slide into the terrible communist-Islamist abyss.
For the sake of America, I pray Barack Obama is soundly defeated next Tuesday.
Please, God, bless America!